Hey Roeper Community members! This report is about some employees that work very hard for our school. Hope you like it. Enjoy! 

Hey guys I am here on a zoom call with a woman named Juliete. She tries to keep alumni in the community as they spread throughout the globe. She has been generous enough to let me do an interview with her. 

She wishes she had the chance to try to bring back more alumni to connect with us more. She wishes they had more of an opportunity to connect with our school. She did not go to Roeper as a kid and nowadays she moves around a lot. A challenge for her at Roeper was getting to know so many alumni here at our amazing school. She needed to know over 2,000 alumni and it took a very long time to get deep into knowing their personality. She had an alumni reunion for people who haven’t been at the school for 50 years or over. It happened two weeks was lots of fun. There was an incident last spring about racism and the school used it as a test to see how well our commitment to a kind environment to our community was and Julliette was very happy watching the kids resolve their problems in a kind manner. She was convinced to work here because she saw a difference in Roeper than other schools. She saw very bright students and that they were all very kind and so she wanted to be a part of making more students that make a difference in the world and in the community. She has an alumni leadership council with ten people inside and she is very close with everyone in the council. Juliete has talked to a woman that is now an immigration lawyer in the border of Mexico. She has also talked to a very thoughtful man. After the man graduated from Roeper he became a movie director who makes stories about people who are suffering in a war zone in Sudan. She hopes that no matter what alumni can still be a part of our community. She strives to make everyone feel welcome, important and included and she would also like to be the kind of person that makes the world a better place through interactions and how she treats people.  

I have just sat down for an interview next to our very own director, Megan Stott! Here is what she said. 

She has two daughters that attend Roeper. She is caring and enjoys understanding and learning about others and how they learn. She will continue to help Roeper students find their passion and succeed as a great asset to our community. She was interested in marine biology, archeology and geology. Megan said that she wants us to keep treating each other with kindness and love and begin to try to understand and accept each other and bond as a community and family. She has supported building a good community, Schedule and curriculum for students that think in a different way. She got hired here in the spring of 2021. She went through a long interview process to get hired at our school. She is very grateful to be here and will continue trying her hardest for a school that is kind, loving, and caring. She is an amazing director, and she makes us all feel very happy here as a society and family. 

There were a couple of people that we could not message or could not make it. I wish you were there Christopher and Colleen and Deb. Thank you for working your hardest to create a great society for our whole Roeper family. That concludes my report on “PASSIONATE DEDICATED ROEPER EMPLOYEES.” Hope you enjoyed understanding some of our very hard-working employees here at our lovely school. 


By Riley C.

A high schooler in Grant, Michigan, was chosen to paint a mural to make the students feel more included. Evelyn Gonzalez painted the mural based on her design that won a contest. Some parents were outraged because the mural had pride imagery and witchcraft. The parents say these are “hidden messages.” Some of the pride imagery is children wearing clothing with pride colors on them such as blue, pink, and white (the colors of the transgender flag) and blue, purple, and pink (the colors of the bisexual flag), and rainbow.

“I put my artwork up there to make people feel welcome,” Evelyn said in response to the adults’ accusations that her picture was discriminating against Christian beliefs and that this IS “hate material.” “That’s not what I’m a part of. That’s not what I’m trying to put out there.” The artwork some people had a problem with was a video game character and a Latino symbol of protection.

After the protesting, school officials reconsidered the artwork. They decided that some parts that weren’t included in the original design would be removed, but the kids in LGBTQ clothing would stay.

The mural painted by Evelyn Gonzalez. She was made to remove the Latino painted hand and the devil mask from her painting.


  by Analiese.j & Brooklyn.b

Roeper teachers love kids. They are super kind. They like working with gifted children because they are “loving, inquisitive, and hilarious” according to Cynthia. Why students might want to know this is because its about the teachers, when it’s usually about the kids. Here is what the teachers had to say about why they came to work at Roeper. 

First Lori. Lori thinks that it is amazing to work with gifted children because they are so creative. 

Second Rachel. “The second I walked on this campus I just knew I wanted this job.” 

Third Cynthia. She loves the creativity of doing something different every day.  

Fourth Elisabeth. She graduated from Roeper in 2000 and she likes that at Roeper kids have a say in their own learning and get to explore their own interests.  

Fifth Sarah D. She wanted to work here because kids have more voice in the school. 

If you want to learn more about more teachers, you can ask them about why they wanted to work at Roeper! 

November Birthdays

This article shows all of the birthdays this month, if you see these kids on their birthdays, be sure to say happy birthday. 

November 1: Elodie. M stage 1, Ethan. R stage 3 

November 2: Stella. K stage 2 

November 5: Charles. W stage 1 

November 7: Richard. Q stage 3 

November 10: Ellie. W stage 4 

November 11: Will. M stage 3 

November 14: Nora. M stage 2, Rumi. S stage 1, Ivan. W stage 3 

November 15: Raphie. G stage 1 

November 19: Avery. T stage 3 

November 21: Sofie. P stage 4, Maeve S. (Meghan’s daughter!) 

November 22: Jackson. Z stage 3 

November 24: Nikhil. B stage 3 

November 25: Gianluca. D stage 3 

November 26: Diana. C stage 4, Eden. M stage 1 

November 29: Bella. AG stage 2, Torien. W stage 2 

November 30: Isaac. G stage 4  

Treats for Troops

By: Elise W.

Elise Witt, a Stage IV student is sponsoring Treats for Troops at Roeper. Treats for Troops is a program run by Soldiers’ Angels that collects leftover Halloween candy and sends it off to deployed service members and veterans. She is doing this at Roeper because deployed service members are far away from home so they don’t get much candy so this gives them a taste of home. If you have any candy that you don’t want or can’t have, take it to a bin in the front of the CCB starting this Monday, October 31. If you make a donation of candy to the Treats-for-Troops program, you can pick out a book of your choice for free from the selection of books near the candy collection bin in the CCB! The bin will be out until November eleventh. If you donate candy, it cannot be opened or baked like a muffin or cookie. Nothing homemade either. If you have any questions, please email her at


stage two thanksgiving feast

by Sagan and Miles

Have you ever heard of the stage two thanksgiving feast, no? 

Well, the stage two feast is about each year they do different things this year they are kind and learn about different ways of kindness. Each class will make different food and dessert as the event is happening on Friday November 18th at lunchtime. The whole thing started a long time ago. They studied native Americans and the harvest. At some point they decided to serve food. And let parents help. About twenty years ago they decided to let the kids pick the food so they could participate in the feast. The source of this info is from former teacher Michele! 

Thalassotitan Atrox Uncovered in Morocco!

By Ellis P.

Did you think sea monster tales were just to scare us? To keep kids away from the water? Well, when T.rex was alive, there were monsters like this!

This is a Thalassotitan Atrox. It was a prehistoric sea animal when T-rex was alive. Dr. Nick Longrich, the leader of the studies on Thalassotitan Atrox described it as “Imagine a Komodo dragon crossed with a great white shark crossed with a T. rex crossed with a killer whale.” It was recently unearthed in Morocco. They evolved into snakes, iguanas, and monitor lizards. The teeth in the skull were damaged because it chewed on prey’s bones.


Roeper is having a book fair from December 5th to December 9. The book fair will be with the online book selling company Literati. It is a place we have never used before. Carmen will not be able to choose the books for the book fair, but the books are selected by experts. The fair will be during and after school and there will be an online one starting on November 7th. Parent volunteers will be needed, so if you are interested in volunteering, contact Carmen at carmen . flora @ roeper . org. Teachers will have online wish lists so people can order books for their classroom. The teacher wish lists will be through the Michigan bookstore McLean & Eakin. ‘The book fair will be held in the Steward Building. The books will cost about $2 to $20, the average cost will be $8. Every classroom will have a scheduled time when they get to go to the book fair. 

picture from the 2017 book fair with Scholastic


 Crabs are creatures with two big claws, and some of them can breathe in air and in water. Where you can find them 


2:the beach


places you can find crabs. 

Tropical  places, 

Like Florida.    

Crabs can get really big!…(:<(you Reddy)  

Crabs have been around for over 450 million years!

You can get a pet crab at many places, if you get a crab know that they are vary cool creatures and they can be pretty entertaining, so I highly recommend getting one!.

Empty Bowls by Zoe.M

Empty Bowls is a elective for stage 4 and it is a fund raiser for for people who can’t afford food.

There was a different art teacher in the 1990s that made bowls with his class and put soup in them and told the people that they could have the bowls.

Shoshanna thinks it is good to carry on the tradition and to help people who can’t afford the food themselves.

The event is Wednesday December 14th 5pm to 7pm

People can buy a bowl and get soup with the bowl. Empty Bowls is an event for only stage 4 and their families can also come to.

Shoshana said that everyone altogether has made 200 bowls, but some will break in the kiln most definitely.

All the bowls are formed but not all fired.

To buy a bowl it is a 5-dollar suggestion, or you can donate more and if you buy a bowl, you can get soup to.

Well, folks that concludes are Roeper report story!