Pride Paks Inc.™!

By: Ellis P.

Pride Paks Inc.™ is a non-profit fundraiser that donates to the Ruth Ellis Center. The Ruth Ellis Center provides home, clothes, food, medicine and more to people who are kicked out of their homes just because they’re being LGBTQIAAP+ and their parents are not okay with it. (Yes, this actually happens!)

If you want to donate to Pride Paks Inc.™ bring some money (your desired amount of money) to Carmen at the Roeper Children’s Library, tell her it’s for Pride Paks Inc.™, and she will take it and direct you to me. When you come to me, (Stage IV Ellis) I will make you a Pride Pak. The Pride Paks include pencils and pins. It’s a flag (Pride or world flag) on a pin or a rainbow pencil.

Fun easy crafts for kids

This first one is a little messy my favorite stretchy slime recipe.

1 1/2 cup glue, food coloring (optional), add baking soda until playable.

home made magnets

thick paper, small circular magnets , clear gem dome ,you can draw something on the paper.

Tiny fake cactus

tiny plant pot , foam ball, tooth pick. Place the foam ball on the pot, then paint the foam green. Ten stick the tooth picks in the foam.

circular Stane glass

cupcake tin, translucent pony beads, & a microwave. place the beads in the tin. put in microwave for 5 minutes at a time.

home made

Is the Ronaldo age over !?

By Max T.

Ronaldo has been at Al Nasar for awhile now. He is doing very well. He has won a championship there and he is teammates with mane, and Neymar Jr. is in the same league. But he is not as good as he was any more. He has not won a championship in a long time. He is the most famous person in the WORLD! But if he is lucky Mbappe will play against him. Ronaldo is 38 years old and earns $218 million a year.

Read this Article

By Dee

This is article that you should read i wrote you read it is a very interesting article see you already read this much if you think that i did not talk about anything in this article your wrong i talked about this article so ha and you read the article and yeah you listened to me i rule you now now please get me cookies because i am your ruler like i measure stuff like the cookies you were supposed to bring me

Best Advice Ever

By Charlotte

Today I will be answering problems from people (this is meant to be a skit, nothing more)

Q: What is the meaning of life?

A: Fried chicken, next!

Q: How do I get mosquitos to stop biting me?

A: Easy, swat their ruler, and have your mosquito army fly you to your bug palace!

Q: What is a perfect teacher like?

A: They drink from the fishbowl and make good chicken!

Q: How do I get my crush to like me?

A: Give them a small doll made out of hair (doesn’t have to be yours!)

Q: If you could spend a day in someone’s locker, who would it be

A: The invisible locker, I heard it has heated floors and a jacuzzi!

Q: What is the best school lunch?

A: Easy, Earwax salad with toenail soup

Q: How do I get my parents to OBEY ME!?

A: Cut off their coffee privileges.

Q: What should I do when I’m fighting with my best friend?

A: Cut off a chunk of your hair and say: “I SURRENDER!”

Q: How do I get a ghost to stop haunting me?
A: Easy, the ghost likes you, go for it!

Q: What’s the best way to stay warm?
A: Make a sweater out of hair (also a good Christmas present)!

Q: How should bald people stay warm in the winter?

A: Make a hat out of duct tape, it will take you all winter to get it off!

Q: How should I treat my library book(s)?

A: Be nice to it, invite to your birthday party, or ask if your book wants to join you at recess or lunch.

I hope this advice is relevant to you, bye!

Five-minute crafts

by Willow and Dee

1, Hair clip: draw a shape on a piece put a paperclip sticking out of the bottom trace and fill it in with hot glue of any color than put cute beads or little erasers on it let it dry than put it in your hair

2. Cute notebook: make dots of hot glue across a notebook than make lines of rainbow pompoms

3. Earrings: hot glue cute erasers to French hooks let it dry than put it in your pierce

4. Scratch off paper: make a drawing on paper go over it with black oil pastel than scratch it off with a toothpick or gift it

5. Candy cup: take a empty glass put melted chocolate in a bowl and put sprinkles in another then dip the glass in the chocolate than the sprinkles and fill it and drink.

6. Pretty picture: put a leaf under paper than go over with wax crayons than maybe frame and hang it

7. Pencil holder notebook: put rubber bands around the cover of the notebook than put pencils in it.

8. Lovely lollipop: lick a Dum Dum then dip it in nerds and enjoy

9. Fidget jar: put water in a mason jar than get watercolor on a paintbrush and dip and swirl it in the jar and put little beads and glitter inside put the lid on and shake

follow these and have fun we looked these up on five minute crafts youtube channel but don’t do all of the five minute crafts some of them are unsafe.

thank you for reading

The fall of the Speaker

By David

For the the first time ever in the 234 year history of the House of Represenitives the members voted the Speaker of the House to be fired. Not only is this the first time the Speaker was actually fired but also it happened mid-term. The name of the (former) Speaker is Kevin McCarthy. McCarthy, being a Republican, angered his party by working with Democrats to pass a bill that opens the government into next month.


Be kind

By Charlotte

I know it’s the beginning of the school year, but I just want everyone to know that we should be kind to everyone. For an example, what if you and your friend are in a fight and your friend started it yet your other friend blames you for it and is mean to you. Even if you don’t understand what is going on between friends. Be kind, how would you feel if someone was mean to you when you were not responsible for something! We should all be kind to each other, and ourselves. Just because we don’t understand something doesn’t mean we should assume the worst. And, if you can help solve a problem, for example, say you and your 2 best friends are fighting because one of them thinks they are being mean to you, and you already solved your issue with that friend, tell them to stop fighting with them! We should be kind to everybody! And if the person who is being mean doesn’t stop, or it gets worse, tell someone! Also, cyber bullying is wrong, cyberbullying is when someone sends you something that is mean or hurtful like, I don’t want to be your friend or, do not email me again. That is mean and wrong, if someone you know, or you are being cyberbullied, tell someone! I hope this was relevant to you, bye.