2 Stage Games in a row + Parent lunch participation + DSO.

By Orrin L.

Lately Roeper has been really active with surprises such as: The DSO + Parent Lunch Participation + 2 Stage Games in a row for stage 4! I personally think that the days that they let stage 4 go to the DSO and the days where parents came to lunch were one of my favorite days of the whole school year so far. They gave us a trip to an amazing place to hear amazing music which was the Detroit Orchestra where they played music based around planets such as: Jupiter, Mercury, Earth and Saturn. They also during core 3 and homeroom let us play Backboard Dodge and 4 corner Pin dodge in a row! Finally, during lunch and recess parents such as: Karen Ballentine, Stacy Frase, June Cohen, Marinelli Brown and Emily Wheeler.

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