The Truth About Sharks

By Ginny S.

People think that sharks are monsters, but here’s the truth about them. Humans kill 100 million sharks per year, but sharks killing humans…???? Only between about 4 and 10 per year. Sharks like to eat seals, seagulls, and fish. One of their attacks on their prey is circle swimming (where they will swim around the prey and choose what angle they will attack their prey from if they are not doing a jump attack), close-eye inspection (where they look at their prey from below where their prey doesn’t see them and they think if they want to eat it), and jump attacks (where they go under their prey and swim straight up using their tail power and go really fast. With their prey not knowing, they quickly attack from below.

The first two story 3D printed house.

by jonathan s.

The first 2-story 3D printed house is being created in Houston, Texas. Three businesses called PERI-3D, HANNAH, and CIVE are working together to make the first 2-story 3D printed house. Using a 3D printer, instead of using plastic it uses concrete to print the house. Then they put in the doors and windows and stuff.

They want to bring them to people who need them, like people who are homeless. They cannot currently make them for homeless people because it’s way too expensive. Printers will improve and make it easier and cheaper to make 3D printed houses one day. They are stronger than wooden houses, but definitely can not survive an earthquake.

A close shot of the massive 3D printer squirting out concrete.

Talent Show

By Ellison W.

Nicole Weibel hosted the talent show. A whole ton of kids performed a ton of amazing talents. It was performed in the gym at 10:00 on Friday, February 27th. If you want to join in the future, you can tell your teacher about what you’re doing and who is doing it with you. Someone did an El Defo duet dance from Amy’s dance elective, someone played the piano, someone played the guitar, someone did a Wednesday dance (“Bloody Mary”), someone sang (Lily), and lots more! Nice job, talent show performers!

Wednesday Dance by Stage III dancers

Roeper Chess Team

By Ivan W.

On February 4, Richard, Gabriel O., Ethan, Nico DH, Sebastian L, Cameron, Max, Devan, Riley G., Evelyn, Markus, Ben, and Orrin with Coach Bryan and Blake went to the West Bloomfield Middle School for the Michigan Elementary Chess Team Championships. The K-3 red team (Richard, Gabriel, Nico, and Markus) won 2nd place! The black K-3 team (Ethan, Sebastian, Max, Cameron, Their trophy is in the CCB. When asked how the team gets better at chess, Richard says “Coach Bryan teaches some tactics and shows some puzzles for us to solve and then lets us play games to practice.”

Roeper Marathon

By Marcus P.

Joe is hosting a Roeper team for a marathon called Martian Kids Marathon. Practices are in the CCB. We will run 25 miles after school in the CCB gym or at home. On April 15th we will go to finish the marathon by running 1.2 more miles. 26.2 miles is a marathon. You have to pay $26 for kids to participate. For more info email

Lionel Messi


Lionel Messi got a hamstring injury. He returned the 14 of Feb. He might go to inter Miami in the MLS (Major League Soccer). Lionel Messi lost a game in the first leg of the champions league against Bayer Munich 1-0. David Beckham started the club inter Miami. Lionel Messi is 35 years old. He won the FIFA World Cup in 2022.

Lionel Messi Adidas Commercial Wallpaper


By Nikhil B.

Bobi is 30 years old. Bobi is a dog. He is the oldest dog to ever live. The lucky pooch got awarded this title on February 1, 2023, two weeks after a 23 year old chihuahua named Spike was awarded the title of oldest dog alive. Also, Bobi broke a century old record held by Bluey a 29 year old dog that died 1939. He was born in Conquerors, Portugal. He wasn’t supposed to live a long life–in fact he was supposed die at very young age. Bobi is a Rafeiro do Alentejo. This was a Guinness World Record.

World’s Oldest Sentence

By Ellison W.

The world’s oldest sentence written by humans was just discovered. A scientist named Madeleine Mumcuogle found it in Israel on an ancient lice comb. It was found in 2016 and they noticed the writing in 2021. The writing was ancient writing so, it took a long time to notice the writing. When you translate it, it will say… “may this tusk root out the lice of this beard.” The writing was in the language Canaanite. They think it is 3,700 years old.