Minecraft 1.20 update

By Filo M.

Since November 18, 2011, when Minecraft was created, soooo much has changed from the aquatic update to the nether update to now! The Minecraft NEW 1.20 update is coming at noon October, 15, 2022!!! So far we know we could most likely get a frozen update or an end update, which is crazy because we just got a nether update for 1.16, and now we are getting another dimension update.

For people that have the Minecraft launcher, you can participate in the Minecraft 1.20 update mob voting, so get your vote in and wait and see–you might even get the mob you wanted!

Roblox Enrichment at Roeper


The Roblox studio class is an after school activity where the students can learn coding, math, how to play, and how to build Roblox games. I have done my personal first class there, and what I know so far is pretty cool. From just that bit of coding I have learned, I LOVE THIS CLASS!!! Whoever was absent for the first class be excited. It is from 4:30-5:30 and you would have to do 1-hour aftercare before the class starts. I think it’s worth it. So if you have any interest in coding, and/or, Roblox then this is for you! I can guarantee that the students will have so much fun in this elective!


Kentrucky Day!!!

By Drexel.L

For the new 2023 Ford Super Duty Truck Ford convinced the Governor of Kentucky to rename the state for one day only to Kentrucky! And there is a bonus at the end!!!

Now very sadly Kentrucky day was Last Tuesday the 27th of September :(. It’s so crazy to me that they would let a CAR company do that! My dad works for Ford so that’s why I know about this, BUT! He told me very specifically not to give any credit to him, because he was not in the work of it, but I did it anyway. I think it’s just so funny because like just KENTRUCKY is so weird! But there is one think I DON’T like which is, if it’s for the Super Duty then couldn’t they make the name for Super Duty? Specifically, like maybe something like Kenduty, no Superken, no that’s bad…we will work on it later. If you’re asking why Kentucky? It’s because the reveal is happening in Kentucky–oh, sorry I meant Kentrucky!



Tracing Logo KFC - Vector - Corel Draw X6 | Kfc, Stranger things, Drawings

Ford Also Got Kentucky Fried Chicken to change to Kentrucky Fried Chicken! LOL

And guess what my last article was not my last one because I made this one fast!

By the way umm… the KFC man is kind of a stick figure look at this image!

He looks like an bobble head!

You Can Learn To Play Pokémon!

By Samuel P.

You might collect Pokémon cards, but do you play the actual card game? It’s very complicated but I can teach you some basic rules. To make a deck you need 60 cards of trainers, energy, and Pokémon. It works best with about 20 each. Each player needs their own deck. To start you put 6 cards overlapping to your left which are your prize cards, 7 cards for your hand, and the rest to your right in a pile as the deck. Below the deck will be your discard pile. In between the discard pile and prize cards is your bench. Your bench is 5 cards wide. Above your bench is your active Pokémon card slot.

To play, you and your opponent each put one basic pokemon (it will say “basic” in the top left corner) face down in the “active” Pokémon slot from your hand. Decide who goes first. At the same time, flip over your active pokemon card. Whoever goes first begins their turn by drawing the top card from their deck and putting it there hand.

Then they can do any (but don’t have to do all, or any) of the following in any order: play items and/or stadium cards (it will say “item” or “stadium” in the top right corner), put basic Pokémon from their hand onto their bench, and add one energy per turn to a Pokémon (active or on their bench).

Players then continue to take turns, and during all turns (after the first turn) they are also able to evolve Pokemon (which is putting a Stage 1 or 2 Pokémon onto a matching Basic Pokémon, it will say in the top left corner of the card), and play one supporter card per turn (it will say “supporter” in the top right corner). They can also attack at the end of their turn, if their Pokémon is charged with enough energy (indicated before the attack name on the card). The “damage” (indicated in the attack) is added to the opponent’s active Pokémon using damage counters.

If a Pokémon’s damage exceeds its health (“HP”, indicated top right of the card), it is knocked out and goes to the discard pile. The player then moves one Pokémon from the bench to the active slot.

How to WIN:

  • When you knock out an opponent’s Pokémon you get to take a prize card. The first one to collect all 6 prize cards wins.
  • If you knock out an opponent’s Pokémon and they have none left on their bench, you win.
  • If your opponent runs out of cards in their deck, you win.

For more information and rules check the back of the Pokémon playing mat that comes with a pre-made deck (called theme decks). (For beginners I recommend a sun and moon deck).

Protests in Iran

By Timothy H.

LicensableFile:Al-Quds Brigades (9).jpg …commons.wikimedia.org

A woman who was known as Mahsa Amini was beaten and killed in Tehran, Iran, on September 16, 2022. I say known as because that wasn’t her real name. Her real name was Jina Amini. She was arrested by the morality police because she “wasn’t wearing her hijab right.” A hijab is a headscarf that usually covers the neck and hair and is worn by many Muslim women. Three days after she was arrested, she died. Amini was arrested because “her hijab wasn’t covering all of her hair.” Police said that Amini died from her heart, but her family said that she was healthy and claim she was beaten. People are holding huge protests all across Iran because of this. They are even cutting off their hair jobs in the street! However, the government is trying to stop these protests. They are using water cannons and even bullets! Hundreds of people have been arrested or injured, and at least fifty people have died. The government has also blocked the internet and social media to make it harder to organize protests. They also did this to prevent people from seeing videos or pictures that portrayed police violence. But this didn’t stop the protesters. Instead these protests are Iran’s biggest since 2019, when fuel costs were increased by at most 300%! But there are other people who agree with the government. Over the weekend on the week of September 26, thousands of people gathered in Tehran and other cities to support the government. This was shown on TV stations belonging to the government. The government claimed it didn’t organize these protests.


All About Christopher

By Xavier V.

This all about Christopher, Did you now that Christopher’s favorite color is mid-blue? His favorite food is pasta with sauce and with a little bit of spice. His hobby is working on his 1970 spitfire. He has been teaching for 25 years as assistant head. The previous school that Christopher was at was Bayview Glen. You may be wondering if Christopher is going to do any major changes with Roeper. He said when I asked that he likes Roeper very much and he will not be doing any major changes in short term. Christopher wants the two Roeper campuses to connect more and to connect with other schools. He says that Roeper is a great fit for him!

1970 spitfire

Christopher plays bag pipes in the Hill House

Thanks to Bing, Collaen S, and Emily Wine

twenty one pilots

By Isaac G. and Owen E.

Twenty øne piløts is a band that plays the genres hip hop, electropop, indie pop, pop rock, rap rock, alternative rock, rock, synth-pop, pop, electronica, electronic rock, indie rock, hip hop, and indietronica with reggae, folk, psychedelic, new wave, and funk. They have 65 songs, 25 singles, 33 music videos, 6 albums. Also known as fueled by ramen , they are a clean band: they do not swear and the have good music. They are from Columbus OH. They have been a band since 2009 and that is 13 years. That is pretty long. They have gotten many fans over the time.

The band members are Tyler Robert Joseph and Joshua William Dun. Tyler is the main singer, ukulelist, piano player and more. He was born on December 1, 1988, so his age is 33. His height is 5′ 10. Josh is the drummer and trumpeter. His birthday is June 18, 1988, age 34 height 5′ 8 symbols are is I-/ and II-//. Twenty øne piløts are going to be the next Beatles. (no offence Paul and Ringo) to find twenty one pilots, https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=+twenty+one+pilots

Twenty One Pilots


By Posey B.

10/1 – Azalia (I)

10/3 – Rollie (I)

10/4 – Phoenix (II), Jon (IV), Sebastian (III)

10/5 – Analiese (IV)

10/6 – Silas (I)

10/7 – Simi (I)

10/8 – Seven (III)

10/9 – Mila (II)

10/11 – Posey (IV)

10/13 – Arya (I)

10 /15 – Aero (I), Evan (II)

10 /16 – Ellison (III)

Those are all the birthdays for October! Happy birthday to everyone whos birthdays I wrote down!

Fake videos of real people — and how to spot them(deepfakes)

By Posey B.

There is a system that can take pictures, voice audio, or video and make them into fake videos.

You could take someone’s voice from ___ and connect it to a picture to make it look like ___ is saying whatever ___’s saying. ඞ pretty sussy, right? They’re called deepfakes, and they’re usually really believable. Synthetic media is becoming more and more realistic, and you can barely tell that they’re fake. Deepfakes are really crazy and I’m just telling you about them.


Their chins might look a bit off

The colors might be sort of saturated or vibrant

“Lip sync” might be bad

That’s all I have so far, so if anyone has more ideas, just tell me.

https://newsela.com/interactive-videos/cl2qhq76a00gq07n1euf51753/ <— link