Marvins Marvelous Mechanical Museum is shutting down!

Marvins is a very fun arcade, there is games and has a lot of antiques and very cool and I’ve had many cool and fun memories there. Too be honest, I can’t believe it’s shutting down, and a strip mall wants to put a Mejers there I don’t agree with that, so this is a link so you can stop it from getting demolished.

Marvin Yagoda invented this arcade and he died 2017 and now it’s run by his son Jeremy.

The Problem of Littering

By Dilara G.

Littering has been a big problem for a long time. Over 50 pounds of trash shows up on the ocean shore each year and it is killing so many animals. Some scientists are saying that the pollution could be permanent. And if it’s permanent our Earth is going to be a big ball of trash. If we all act soon we can stop it.

And we all need to help to stop the litter so these are some easy ways to help the environment:

  1. Close trash can lids: the wind will blow the trash out.

2. Recycle: if we recycle there will be less trash.

3. Pick up trash: if you see some trash, pick it up.

4. Make trash into something new.

5. Plant something new: more plants help remove pollution (carbon dioxide) from the air.

And if we all help we can make change happen. Most of the trash on the Roeper Lower School campus is found in the woods. Most trash cans around the world are full of things that can be recycled. Most of the recycling bins have things that can’t be recycled. If we act now we can change the world.

Trash over flowing because of not closing trash can lids.

How Art Can Change the World

By: Micah W.

Scott Schaible is an artist and designer. He graduated from the Cleveland Institute of Art.

Scott Schaible does paintings of homeless people in Detroit. When he was six years old, he fell in love in painting. He paints the homeless and sells the art pieces on his website called Once he sells his painting he gives the money to the homeless person to say thank you.

A way for you to make art and change the world is you can make art and give it away to people who want it.

Sources: and Leah Woody

Scott Schaible,

Empty Bowls by Zoe.M

Empty Bowls is a elective for stage 4 and it is a fund raiser for for people who can’t afford food.

There was a different art teacher in the 1990s that made bowls with his class and put soup in them and told the people that they could have the bowls.

Shoshanna thinks it is good to carry on the tradition and to help people who can’t afford the food themselves.

The event is Wednesday December 14th 5pm to 7pm

People can buy a bowl and get soup with the bowl. Empty Bowls is an event for only stage 4 and their families can also come to.

Shoshana said that everyone altogether has made 200 bowls, but some will break in the kiln most definitely.

All the bowls are formed but not all fired.

To buy a bowl it is a 5-dollar suggestion, or you can donate more and if you buy a bowl, you can get soup to.

Well, folks that concludes are Roeper report story!

Student Restraint

by Zoe M.

Every year more than 2000 students are secluded or restrained in Michigan public schools as a form of punishment. 4 out 5 of these students have disabilities. Of 1.4 million students in Michigan schools, 194,514 have disabilities and are at risk of being harmed with these procedures which are adults forcing young kids into small, padded rooms and leaving them inside by themselves for a minute or even two hours! I bet after this happened to kids, they felt scared to go to school. If the students are getting angry and you put them in seclusion, then they’ll just get angrier afterwards. Experts say these practices cause mental harm.

People were trying to pass a law in 2016 to ban doing this, and then there was a law but there is no punishment for not following the law. So people can still do it.

Thank goodness this isn’t happening at Roeper, but we should try to help the other kids that are being harmed by this procedure. Contact the House of Representatives and Senate and tell them you want to pass a stronger law to change this.

the painting…

By Chase W.

Two teens, Phoebe Plummer and Anna Holland, threw Heinz tomato soup on Van Gogh’s sunflower painting and then glued themselves to the wall. “We’re not answering the question of if everyone should be throwing soup on paintings,” Phoebe said. The topic she wanted to draw attention to was oil and fossil fuel licenses. They were using these actions to get media attention to “get people talking about this now. We know how civil resistance works. History has shown us how this works. I’m standing here as a queer woman and the reason that I’m able to vote, go to university, and hopefully marry the woman I love is because of people who have taken civil resistance before me.”

Creek Safety and Your Safety

Make a difference for our environment.

There is trash in the creek that we can see…but what about what we can’t see? There is spilled oil and/or gasoline that runs into our campus creek. It comes from Woodward Avenue and flows on down into campus and into our branch of the Rouge (it means red) River.

Crazy, right?! Well, it’s true!

Here’s the process: 1. Melted snow or rainwater picks up the oil. 2. The mix flows onto campus. 3. It gets into the creek. So, that’s how it happens. (It’s called runoff.)

There is a Stage IV club that is starting that helps nature. I hope that many people are inspired to join! There are currently 5 members. It’s called TESK (The Environmental Safety Kids).

How to join: meet me in the woods (or the mini woods if the woods are not open.) At recess and say you want to join!

There is also a Stage III club. I’m interviewing someone from that club.

I’m interviewing Addison H. from Stage III. How many members are there? “There are 6 members.” What do you do? “Pick up trash.” How do you join? “Contact Max, Gabby, or Sosha (science teacher).”

-Ellis P. , Stage 4, a new Roeper student!


By Zoe N.

Trash in the ocean is a big problem that is getting bigger and bigger every day. On average the typical American produces around 4.5 pounds of trash each day. That needs to change, and that is one of the reasons we recycle. Here are some other ways to reduce trash in the ocean:

  • make sure you recycle appropriately
  • be sure to recycle your plastic bottles and your paper
  • try to put food trash in a composter if you have access to one
  • only natural food trash in a composter

So please remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle for a better planet. To learn more, visit:


By Sunny S.

Pride parades, speeches, and everything from dog clothing to bumper stickers covered in rainbows. During June, it’s pride month! Pride month is a month-long celebration to celebrate those who identify in the LGBTQ+ community. (Lesbian: a girl who likes girls, gay: a boy who likes boys, but lesbians are sometimes referred to as gay, bisexual: someone who is attracted to more than one gender, Transgender: someone who does not identify with the gender that they were assigned at birth, Queer or questioning: queer is another way to say LGBTQ+ and questioning means you still are questioning your identity.) But what if you are straight or cisgender and want to celebrate pride month? Well, if you are accepting of the LGBTQ+ community, you are an ally! You can celebrate too! But how do you celebrate? Other than going to pride parades and giving your queer friends gifts, there are many ways to do your part. First off, ask people what pronouns they use, as well as their name (Unless they do not want to share their pronouns, never push it.) Try not to make assumptions about people. Accept people for who they are. Believe me, it is the best feeling ever. Stand up for people when you can. And you do not have to do this on pride month, kindness can be year-round. What is happening at Roeper for pride month? There has been a pride parade at Roeper, with students marching and saying things like “trans rights are human rights” and “we say gay,” due to the ‘don’t say gay’ legislation.  

Anti-LGBTQ legislation across U.S. prompts Birmingham student protest
Roeper student James Steinhobl protests with classmates

Keep the Earth Whole

by Brooklyn B. and Ellie W.

If the Earth gets 3 degrees hotter Celcius, major cities will be underwater, heatwaves would take over, the storms would get bigger and bader, and many more animals and plants will go extinct.

Just because Earth Day past does not mean we stop caring! We can help:

We can turn of the lights when we leave a room

We can reduce, reuse, and recycle

Don’t be wasteful! Only buy what you need

Make sure that you recycle what you can recycle

Make sure you compost what you can compost

Make sure that you snip, clip, or rip the loops of your masks and throw them away in a garbage can

We also need big change! We can ask our governments to work for:

Walkable cities

Solar and wind energy

Don’t farm cows because they burp methane, which does not help the climate

Electric vehicles

Climate Change