Book Fair Update

The book fair is coming! The book fair is coming to Roeper through December 11th and December 15th. According to Carmen, (The person who I’m interviewing,) it also might have a sneak appearance on December 8th. The book fair takes place in the main lobby in the Stewart Building on the lower floor, or pre-order online at Carmen is running the book fair along with volunteers. The reason Carmen is doing the book fair is because she wants to “raise money for author visits & books for kids at home” she expects to raise around 8,000$ at least. every class will have time to visit and it will also be open after school.

By Isaac


Roeper is having a book fair from December 5th to December 9. The book fair will be with the online book selling company Literati. It is a place we have never used before. Carmen will not be able to choose the books for the book fair, but the books are selected by experts. The fair will be during and after school and there will be an online one starting on November 7th. Parent volunteers will be needed, so if you are interested in volunteering, contact Carmen at carmen . flora @ roeper . org. Teachers will have online wish lists so people can order books for their classroom. The teacher wish lists will be through the Michigan bookstore McLean & Eakin. ‘The book fair will be held in the Steward Building. The books will cost about $2 to $20, the average cost will be $8. Every classroom will have a scheduled time when they get to go to the book fair. 

picture from the 2017 book fair with Scholastic