By Will M.

If you don’t know what Back to the Future is, it’s a trilogy of movies about a scientist and a kid in high school that built a time machine out of a DeLorean. In the first movie, which came out in 1985, they go back in time to 1955. In the second movie, they go to 2015. In the third movie, they go to 1885. I can’t give you any more details besides the main characters’ names, otherwise it’ll spoil the movies! There is Doctor Emmett Brown played by Christopher Lloyd and Marty McFly played by Michael J. Fox.

Alright now, let’s get to talking about the musical. Doc Brown is played by Roger Bart and Casey Likes plays Marty McFly. It’s showing on Broadway and in London. In summer of 2024 it’s coming to Cleveland, Ohio at Playhouse Square. It’s based on all three of the movies.

it was a revolutionary movie for its time it started the time travel movie franchise.

Asian American Pacific Islander Month

AAPI Month is in May. It is a time to honor the Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Americans contributions to the U.S. We also want to thank the Asian Americans in the ancient times for inventing useful things such as: Gunpowder, the printing press, paper, and the magnetic compass!

Here are some Asian Americans that changed our lives:

  • Margaret Chung was a Chinese American big sister of 10 brothers. When she was young, her parents got very sick. That inspired Margaret to become a doctor. But it was hard. She did well at school, and soon her hard work paid off. She became the first Chinese American women to be a doctor!
  • Japanese American Kristi Yamaguchi was born clubfeet. She wanted to dance like the other kids. When she was 6, she started skating. Skating helped her grow strong enough to dance. But, she learned that she loved skating! She was so good, she made it to the Olympics! And, she won the hold medal! She became the first Asian American to become an Olympic Champion!
  • One day, Korean American Andrew Youn went to Africa to deliver food and medicine. Strangely, he noticed that one farm was growing and one farm was not, but they had the same soil and weather. He learned that some farms had good fertilizer and some doesn’t.

Jesie is an Asian American teacher at Stage II, so these are the questions about the culture:

Q: What do you do to celebrate it in your class?

A: We read Asian related books and teach where Asia is, and introduce their culture, such as their foods, costumes, or holidays.

Q: Why was it celebrated in May?

A: The first Asian immigrate was a Japanese in May 1843, and in May 1869, the workers who were mostly Asian, finished the transcontinental railroad.


By Maddie M.

I first learned about Ramadan when I lived in Dubai.  I like it because people have to fast all day and it’s amazing that some people can make it all day without eating or drinking.  I also like that it’s a time of giving.  People are very generous to help others and be kind to all people. 

Ramadan is the holiest month for the Islam religion. It starts when someone sees a crescent moon and ends with the next crescent moon.  At the start of Ramadan, you can say to people “Ramadan Mubarak”, which means Happy Ramadan.  When Ramadan ends, it is Eid al-Fitr, which is a holiday an celebration.  You can say “Eid Mubarak” which means Happy Eid or Happy end of Ramadan.  This year, Easter, Ramadan and Passover were over the same time period, which is cool for all people and I hope helps people be kind to everyone.  Ramadan starts about 11 days earlier each year and will start in March 2024 next year. 

Do you think you could go a whole day without eating or drinking anything?  I tried and it was hard.

Message in a Bottle

By Ellison W.

Two teachers in Indian River, Florida were picking up trash and found a Pepsi bottle with a brown piece of paper in it. It was a week after Hurricane Nicole. The teachers almost threw it away, until they met Katie Carmax. Katie brought the Pepsi bottle home and her kids got really excited about it. She attempted to pull the paper out with tweezers, but it kept ripping the paper, so she broke the bottle open. She realized that it had a phone number and an address. She tried contacting the person. She tried calling over and over again, but it didn’t work, so she sent a picture of the paper to the phone number and then tried calling them, but it didn’t work. And then about an hour later, the same phone number called her! And he said “I wrote the paper.” His name was Heller.


By Nikhil B.

Bobi is 30 years old. Bobi is a dog. He is the oldest dog to ever live. The lucky pooch got awarded this title on February 1, 2023, two weeks after a 23 year old chihuahua named Spike was awarded the title of oldest dog alive. Also, Bobi broke a century old record held by Bluey a 29 year old dog that died 1939. He was born in Conquerors, Portugal. He wasn’t supposed to live a long life–in fact he was supposed die at very young age. Bobi is a Rafeiro do Alentejo. This was a Guinness World Record.

Remembering Jeff Beck

by: Spencer. S (a visitor)

Jeff Beck was a famous guitar player who died recently. He is most famous for playing lead guitar for the band “The Yardbirds.” He wrote one of the Yardbirds’ greatest hits, “Shapes of Things.” By many he is considered one of the greatest guitarists. He was born on June 24, 1944 and died on January 10, 2023. He was raised in England. In 2015, he was listed in the Rolling Stone’s top 100 guitarists. He died of bacterial meningitis.

The Yardbirds - Wikipedia
Jeff Beck and the Yardbirds (Jeff Beck: far left)

Jeff Beck was part of the Yardbirds band for most of the time that they were a group. Beck had 8 Grammys throughout his lifetime. We hope he will be remembered.

How are Halloween and Day of the Dead different ?

By, Riley C. and Analiese J.

First off, Day of the Dead and Halloween are on two dates. Halloween and Day of the Dead are about two different things. Halloween is about costumes and going trick-or-treating and going door to door. If the light is not on at some ones house that means they are not giving out candy. Day of the Dead is about celebrating loved ones that have passed away by creating altars and making yummy food to bring to the altar.

Kids in costumes trick-or-treating on Halloween
An ofrenda (altar) for a deceased loved one being honored on the Day of the Dead

Happy Halloween!

By Xavier V. & David G.

Are you excited for Halloween well …  I am it is so much fun! Did you know that 81 percent of parents have admitted that they have stolen some of their child’s candy??? This is outrageous so I am going to show you a few ways to hide your candy and teach you about Halloween. A lot of people believe that Halloween was developed from the ancient Celtics harvest festival called Samhain (pronounced sow-win) this day marked the end of summer and the harvest and the start of winter they also believed this was when the barrier between the alive and the fallen were at its weakest. Okay now I will teach you about how to hide your candy one way is to fill your pillow case with candy. If you have a plastic trashcan in your room take the trash bag out clean it with wipes or a rag and dump your candy in.

We sampled a few classes on some of their favorite candies and the candy that came in first was… Skittles 2nd was Starburst and 3rd was M&Ms!!!


By Zoe N.

I am doing tiny fooood recipes this is one of my favorites.

Here’s what you need. (Remember, this is a tiny recipe so you need tiny amounts of everything!)

  • flour
  • thin spaghetti noodles, broken into little pieces
  • carrots, diced into tiny pieces
  • tomatoes, diced into tiny pieces
  • garlic, diced into tiny pieces
  • onion, diced into tiny pieces
  • water
  • olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper
  • bacon, cut into tiny strips
  • milk
  • tomato sauce

First take your olive oil (remember to have tiny utensils too) and put it into your tiny pot over medium heat. Chop your garlic and onion, then add it to the pot for two minutes. Add salt and pepper. Add tomato sauce. Let cook over low heat.

Put flour in bowl. Put milk in another bowl. Take bacon and dunk in milk than coat in flour and put in a tiny pan with olive oil over medium-high heat. Remember to flip every once and a while until cooked. Take out the bacon, let it rest on paper towel.

Chop carrots and tomato, then put on plate.

Take noodles and put in pot of boiling water. Boil until soft, according to package instruction. Take out and put on a separate plate. Add chopped vegetables on top and place bacon on the side. Cover in tomato sauce.

That’s how you make tiny everything pasta.

9 Facts about Shavuot

By Ada BB

1.  Shavuot celebrates the day God gave the Jewish people the Torah

2. Shavuot is a harvest festival.

3. On Shavuot people eat cheesecake and milk pudding

4. On Shavuot people decorate their synagogue (sin-a-gog) with flowers

5. On Shavuot Jews stay up all night studying the Torah

6. Young children are given their first Bible storybooks at Shavuot

7. Shavuot happened 7 days after the Jews escaped from Egypt

8. Shavuot is also known as the Feast of weeks

 9. Shavuot is on June 4th and it ends on June 6th

Children of dairy farmers celebrate Shavuot in Jerusalem with crowns of flowers on their heads. Photo by Miriam Alster/Flash90