The fall of the Speaker

By David

For the the first time ever in the 234 year history of the House of Represenitives the members voted the Speaker of the House to be fired. Not only is this the first time the Speaker was actually fired but also it happened mid-term. The name of the (former) Speaker is Kevin McCarthy. McCarthy, being a Republican, angered his party by working with Democrats to pass a bill that opens the government into next month.


Roeper rocks out!

By David

At RoeperFest, Roeper’s very own Heavy Metal Homies did a cover for Slipknot song “Psychosocial.” Three of the five band member’s performed. Usually though, all but one would play an instrument. Here are the members and what they play: David=Vocals, Drexel=Electric Guitar, Everett=Bass Guitar, Sagan and Jack=Keyboards and Xavier=Drum set. The Heavy Metal Homies are not currently available for performances, but if you want a poster then see David about that.

The Band

Rock Out!!!

By David

You wanted the best, you got the best! The hottest band in the world is coming to Detroit!

Kiss is a sensational rock band that has changed the entire course of music forever. In the mid 80’s and early 90’s a new genre of music was introduced. Previously, other types of rock had been introduced like classic and soft rock were in the late 60’s and the 70’s but this type was different. It was all about head-bangers and rebelling. These included punk and hard rock. Later on though, these rock artists would protest through their lyrics. This was one of the things that started the civil rights movement. Anyway, Kiss will be coming to the Little Caeser’s Arena on October 20th. The band members are: Paul Stanley a.k.a. Star Child, Gene Simmons a.k.a. The Demon, Tommy Thayer a.k.a. Space Ace and Eric Singer a.k.a. Catman.

Breaking News! North Korea teams up with Russia to create spy satellite and fight Ukraine and South Korea

by David

On September 13th Kim Jong Un a.k.a. dictator of North Korea rode to Russia in his armored train to have a meeting with Vladimir Putin of Russia. During the meeting Putin brought up the topic of launching a rocket which led to the discussion of sending a spy satellite into space. Now, if you didn’t know North Korea has failed many attempts to launch spy satellites on South Korea. Government authorities have agreed that Putin had planned this step-by-step. The two dictators agreed to fight both enemies and Kim Jong Un pledged to fully support and endorse Russia in the war. The meeting ended with dinner and a toast.×2963/1600×900/2023/09/05/1693880510402.jpg?w=1600

The Super Bowl of the Century

Hey there, your homie right here, yes, the one and only D.A.G. (David Aaron Gutman). Anyway guess what, the Chiefs are in the Super Bowl and for the first time ever two black starting quarterbacks face off Let’s go Chiefs!!! The two Black quarterbacks are Patrick Mahomes (Chiefs) and Jalen Hurts (Eagles). The event is happening in Glendale A2.The date is Feb 12 D.A.G. out!!!

Goodable - We Make Good News Happen red: Patrick Maholmes Blue: Jalen Hures

BREAKING NEWS!: Putin’s Threats

Russia Still Threatens NATO Despite Military Failings

By David G.

Roeper Report

Published Tuesday Jan 17

Washington says: We belive that Congress can push the U.S. to help Ukraine by giving them money and weapons.

Ukraine and Russia have been at war for nearly a year now and the U.S. is trying to help Ukraine.

Russia has invaded and captured Crimea. Putin now not only has threatened Ukraine but also Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. These countries are our brothers, our allies, part of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). We cannot let ourselves ignore this!

To help Ukraine, you can write to your congresspeople to urge them to support Ukraine. You can also donate to organizations such as Help Ukraine Center, International Rescue Committee, and the UN Refugee Agency.

Happy Halloween!

By Xavier V. & David G.

Are you excited for Halloween well …  I am it is so much fun! Did you know that 81 percent of parents have admitted that they have stolen some of their child’s candy??? This is outrageous so I am going to show you a few ways to hide your candy and teach you about Halloween. A lot of people believe that Halloween was developed from the ancient Celtics harvest festival called Samhain (pronounced sow-win) this day marked the end of summer and the harvest and the start of winter they also believed this was when the barrier between the alive and the fallen were at its weakest. Okay now I will teach you about how to hide your candy one way is to fill your pillow case with candy. If you have a plastic trashcan in your room take the trash bag out clean it with wipes or a rag and dump your candy in.

We sampled a few classes on some of their favorite candies and the candy that came in first was… Skittles 2nd was Starburst and 3rd was M&Ms!!!


By David G.

On March 17, 2022 a girl was singing “Let It Go” from Frozen in a bomb shelter. A Ukrainian marching band offered to livestream with Ed Sheeran. Imagine a mob of Ukrainian citizens waving the Ukrainian flag and stomping on Russian tanks. Look how powerful the internet is. No wonder Russians had been banned from TikTok by Putin! If only we could unleash more powerful internet pressure on Putin.

Editor’s note: Russian attacks have been damaging Ukrainian buildings and infrastructure, including power and internet facilities and wires. The Ukrainian government has prioritized sending workers out to repair damaged internet systems. They also work hard to fight against Russian hacking. They know that the ability to communicate with each other and the rest of the world about what is happening in Ukraine is essential. Information and communication help the world know what is happening and has helped get the countries and people of the world on the side of the Ukraine.