Climate Change

By: Dee

As you might know climate change is effecting us all and is causing us to lose plants and animals, and even humans. So we should stop it, student Isabella will teach us how to help stop climate change.

  1. Use the four Rs: reuse, recycle, reduce, and replant. Reuse your garbage to create something cool. Choose reusable products instead of single-use things, such as bottles, napkins, bags, etc. Recycle things you don’t need to throw in the garbage. Reduce using un-recyclable things and create less waste. Buy only what you need! Replant trees to make up for cutting them down and plant native gardens instead of grass.
  2. Don’t leave a light on when you don’t need it on.
  3. Inform people about climate change and how to stop it.
  4. Choose local foods or grown your own. Try to buy less processed foods, especially those with palm oil which is destroying the Amazon rainforest. Farmers who grow near the Amazon rainforest, some have been extending into the forest because the government in Brazil had protected the area but then changed the rules. The demand for palm oil is so high, that they do it anyway.
  5. Composting is helpful!

Now you know how to stop climate change, and remember if you try to stop climate change, it will matter, even the smallest thing makes a difference. And remember to share this article with your friends and family.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

By: Dee, Willow, Christina, and Isla

In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, there was some really great special effects so we’re going to tell you some of them:

  1. The animals (and Groot) are played by people in suits that sense their movement and then they’re shown as animals (or Groot) on the screen.
  2. Did you know that the person who is the actor for Rocket for how he moves also plays a character in the movie? His name is Sean Gunn and he plays the character Kraglin. Rocket’s voice acting is done by an actor named Bradley Cooper.
  3. When the human actors touch Rocket, it’s usually a foam replica of Rocket. Same for most of the animals like Lila.
  4. In the hall fight scene, all the aliens are not actually there–they’re digital–so actors have to act like they are attacking something when there is nothing there. Later someone edits the scene to make it look like there were aliens.
  5. In the hall one fight scene, a woman swings from a pole, and then someone takes that scene and edits it so that it looks like she swung from Groot’s arm.
  6. Just a fun fact: When the Guardians of the Galaxy sign breaks, it symbolizes the friends having to break up at the end of the movie.
  7. When working on Rocket, the designers had to figure out what he would look like at each stage of evolution from normal raccoon kit to the evolved/mutated Rocket who could walk and talk like a human.

Guardians of the Galaxy 3 was nominated for an Oscar for Visual Effects. The Oscar was won by Godzilla Minus One.

We Need a School Nurse!

by: Dee, Christina, and Willow

Recently a student named Harrison decided this school should have a school nurse. Why, you might ask, Harrison has told us that his brother (going into stage 2) has diabetes, and every time he enters a new classroom his parents have to teach the teacher how to treat his diabetes. Harrison also told us he has seen many kids getting hurt.

Now you might be wondering how Harrison plans to get a school nurse, well we have an answer. Harrison told us that he had a meeting with Christopher who said that we could maybe get a school nurse. Harrison also said that he is going to make a little group to help him get a school nurse, he also made a petition and got five pages of signatures! If you wish to sign his petition you can stop by Rachel’s classroom!

Finding Nemo J.R. the Musical, Behind the Scenes

by Dee H. On February 7th and 8th the musical “Finding Nemo J.R.” was performed at the upper school theater.

To make the musical actually happen the cast had to practice as an elective, choreography for first elective, blocking, rehearsals, e.t.c. for second elective. The cast also had to practice at home, but it still took everyone to make it actually happen, “doing it as a learning process took more than just ourselves” says Max. T, participant of the musical (played Marlin).

Now you might be wondering how the auditions worked out, well I’ll tell you. First everyone was supposed to full out an audition sheet with a few questions on it, then everyone was told to memorize a monologue, it could be one from the sheet of monologues everyone was given, one that the person auditioning wrote, or one that the person who was auditioning found somewhere, they were also told to memorize a bit of a song from the musical (“Dorys Ditty” or “Where’s My Dad”), also everyone had to learn the dance to “Just Keep Swimming (Part Two) “. On the day of the auditions everyone got in a line to audition, when it was their turn to audition they told Amy, Alex, and Hans (the choreographer, director, and musical director, also the people who cast the musical) the monologue they were doing and the song they were doing. Then performed their monologue and song. Then over the weekend Alex, Amy, and Hans thought about who was a experienced second year, what roles would challenge people, and what roles people said they wanted on their audition sheet, in order to cast the musical, and that is how auditions went.

When it got close to the performance they did something called tech week, where after school the cast would go over to the upper school where it was performed, until 6 pm, and people found out what their costumes were, did rehearsals on the stage with lights, and found out who would be getting a microphone. On the day of the performance someone found some people had to exit one way then enter another, so to solve this problem they decided people could walk through the cafeteria to get to the other side of the stage. Also on the day of the performance they went through dress rehearsals, and finally learned the bows. Soon it was time for their performance, everyone was rushing to get their props and costumes, and then suddenly people were on the stage performing, and they did great.

And all this, from choosing the show to the performance, took five months.


Lincoln ( Nigel )

Parker ( Sheldons Parent )

Sagan ( Kai )

Willow ( Sea Turtle 2 and Sharks Fish and Jellyfish )

Blair ( Anchor )

Chase ( Professor Ray )

Eliza ( Crush )

Isabella ( Sheldon )

Will ( Sea Turtle 1 and Jellyfish )

Aria ( Bloat )

Dilara ( Scuba Mask Dancer )

Jack ( Bruce )

Jackson ( Barracuda )

Brooklyn ( Gill )

Christina ( Tads Parent )

Richard ( Nemo )

Avleen ( Vacationer )

Ayden ( Dory )

Maddie ( Breeze )

Norah ( Chum )

Zoe ( Tad )

Ava ( Pearl )

Melody ( Bubbles )

Charlotte ( Coral )

Max ( Marlin )

Dee ( Gurgle )

Emma ( Angelfish )

Ada ( Squirt )

Isla ( Pearls Parent, Octopus, Seagull, Sea Turtle )

Thank you Alex, for providing information!

Photo credit: Jack W.

Read this Article

By Dee

This is article that you should read i wrote you read it is a very interesting article see you already read this much if you think that i did not talk about anything in this article your wrong i talked about this article so ha and you read the article and yeah you listened to me i rule you now now please get me cookies because i am your ruler like i measure stuff like the cookies you were supposed to bring me

Five-minute crafts

by Willow and Dee

1, Hair clip: draw a shape on a piece put a paperclip sticking out of the bottom trace and fill it in with hot glue of any color than put cute beads or little erasers on it let it dry than put it in your hair

2. Cute notebook: make dots of hot glue across a notebook than make lines of rainbow pompoms

3. Earrings: hot glue cute erasers to French hooks let it dry than put it in your pierce

4. Scratch off paper: make a drawing on paper go over it with black oil pastel than scratch it off with a toothpick or gift it

5. Candy cup: take a empty glass put melted chocolate in a bowl and put sprinkles in another then dip the glass in the chocolate than the sprinkles and fill it and drink.

6. Pretty picture: put a leaf under paper than go over with wax crayons than maybe frame and hang it

7. Pencil holder notebook: put rubber bands around the cover of the notebook than put pencils in it.

8. Lovely lollipop: lick a Dum Dum then dip it in nerds and enjoy

9. Fidget jar: put water in a mason jar than get watercolor on a paintbrush and dip and swirl it in the jar and put little beads and glitter inside put the lid on and shake

follow these and have fun we looked these up on five minute crafts youtube channel but don’t do all of the five minute crafts some of them are unsafe.

thank you for reading

Good Books

By Dee

1. Invisible Emmie age rating: 9-12
2. Diary of a Wimpy Kid age rating: 7-12
3. Harry Potter age rating: 10+
4.Phoebe and her Unicorn age rating: 6-11
5.Baby Sitters Club age rating: 6+
6.Weird but True age rating: all ages
7.Breaking Cat News age rating: 8+
8.Dog Man age rating: 5-11
9.Captain Underpants age rating: 6-11
10.Big Nate age rating: 9+

Meet Kyla

By Dee

Meet Kyla Robison, she is from MichIgan, and she is our Spanish teacher. Her favorite color is dark green (she changes it every day, but it always comes back to dark green). Her hobbies are hiking, painting, and spending time with her family and friends. She came to Roeper because she liked that the students had more choice. We are very happy to have her at Roeper!

Myths your Parents told you!

By Dee and Charlotte

“Honey, don’t go outside with wet hair, you’re going to catch a cold”! Yeah, we’ve heard that before. Today we will be busting myths your parents told you:

  1. If you go outside with wet hair, you will catch a cold. Colds are caused by viruses, so you can’t catch a cold from going outside with wet hair.
  2. If you swallow gum, it will be in your stomach for 7 years. Actually, gum is made of fiber, like the base of vegetables, and seeds. It will be out of your stomach 40 hours later.
  3. You need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. As true as this may sound, most liquids have water in them. Our bodies are the best indicator for when we need water, so if you’re thirsty, have a drink.
  4. Drinking coffee stunts your growth. This may come as a shocker to some parents, but drinking coffee doesn’t stunt your growth! Nutritionist Michael Colangelo, who has 15 years of experience says “coffee does not stunt your growth”, however it may cause: Insomnia, anxiety, and increase blood pressure.
  5. The 5 second rule. Yes, the age-old rule is a myth. In 2003 a group of scientists dropped a piece of bread on the floor, in the first millisecond they found out that the bread absorbed 0.01% of bacteria on it, and by the fifth second the bread absorbed 20% of the bacteria.
  6. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. I think we all can see why this is a myth, you need to eat healthy and exercise, still, you can not entirely prevent sickness, but still, you should try. And with that, we must go, I hope these myths were helpful, bye!

    source: .

Halloween is Coming.

By Dee

Halloween is coming soon, and people are getting costumes, and candy, and are putting up decorations everyone is excited. Get in the spirit of Halloween! Try on your costume, get some new decorations, or map out your Halloween path. Here are some tips for the fun holiday. Costume ideas: Maybe a classic ghost or black cat, maybe your favorite tv show character, try doing a theme with your family. Candy ideas: Everyone loves chocolate, three stage two children Delilah, Luna, and Lala all agree they love lollipops, and Luke loves cotton candy, so maybe even hand out that. Decorations: Skeletons, and witches are good, maybe go with animated decorations, but if you live in a neighborhood with little kids try not to have really scary decorations. also make sure you go to trunk or treat, it’s fun (see other article about trunk or treat for more info) also many other places in your local town should have fun Halloween activities. now you know how to get in the spirit of Halloween!