The best dog breeds!

By: Taylin & Ellison

A French bulldog is one of the most liked dogs in America because they are loyal, intelligent and affectionate dogs. Yorkshire terrier are great guard dogs and they are great companians to you. A Labrador Retrievers are almost waterproof! The German shepherd is one of the smartest dog ever. A golden retriever is the third most liked dog and would be a good dog because, they are loyal and trustworthy companions. The Poodle is are great swimmers. The Bulldog breeds are most pet mascot for a dog. A Dachshund is the sixth best dog and would be a good dog because they are easy to train and loving dogs. A Rottweiler is a bold, calm and confident. A German shorthaired pointer is a super playful dog. A beagle is the eighth most liked dog because they are friendly and love making new friends. The Australian shepherd is a easy to train dog. A Pombroke welsh corgi is the 11 most liked dog because they are kind family dogs and intelligent dogs.

Earth Day

By, Ellison

Earth Day is a holiday to celebrate earth. Earth Day was founded in 1970 by Senator Gaylord Nelson, to learn about Earth and to celebrate Earth. Sometimes it is turned into earth week to be aware of the Earth. Some kids have birthdays on Earth Day and is kind of a common birthday including Addison, Matthew, Jemma, Zidaan, and Milo. In the early 1960’s Americans were learning the effects of pollution on the planet.


Hero Saves Owners Life

By Ellison

An Akita named Hero saved his owners life by staying with him. Hero’s owner fell down a hill in Southern Alberta Canada on March 26th to March 28th. Hero’s owner was stranded for two days in freezing temperature that could probably kill him. Hero saved his owner so many ways like fighting off coyotes and other dogs and just trying to save his life. And another man was walking his dog until Hero came running up to them and bit the dog’s neck. As the owner was trying to take Hero’s teeth out of his dog’s neck and both ended up very hurt in the process, but that got attention of rescuers. Hero had done what he needed and saved his life.,as%20cold%20as%20%E2%80%9317%20C.

Spring Fling

By Ellison and Melody

The spring fling is a school event on April 5th at 3:45 at school. There will be popcorn and slushies and snack boxes for the kids. We are expecting about 100 kids coming and 200 people total. They brought the Spring fling back because Covid is over. For activities there is going to be a slime room, and bag decorating. There’s also a dance contest with stuffed animal prizes. Here are some people who are helping with the party planning: Tunisia Turner, John Jessmon, Jenny O’laughlin and Shai Rao. Thank you to Shai for the information!

Ellie and Jacks’s Girls Soccer Review

The Roeper Reptars have been playing against harder and harder teams. They first fought one of the hardest teams in the girls soccer league on the 24th of November. The team was elbowing the Reptar players. We lost 3-6 against that team. They play once or twice a week and practice at school during Stage IV recess/Stage III lunch on Wednesdays. The girls’ soccer team revolves around Dilara, Taylin, Zoe, Willow, Faina, Phoenix, Isa, Ellison, Eliza, Amelia H., Melody, Nyela, and Maddy. They are coached by Paula. Paula also coaches the Stage III & IV Boys team.

Marvins Marvelous Mechanical Museum is shutting down!

Marvins is a very fun arcade, there is games and has a lot of antiques and very cool and I’ve had many cool and fun memories there. Too be honest, I can’t believe it’s shutting down, and a strip mall wants to put a Mejers there I don’t agree with that, so this is a link so you can stop it from getting demolished.

Marvin Yagoda invented this arcade and he died 2017 and now it’s run by his son Jeremy.

Roeper Reptars

By Ellison W.

This article is about Roeper Reptars, our school’s soccer team. Soccer is a very popular sport especially in America. This sign-up ends in the beginning of March, so if you want to join, join now. It’s open for stage three and four. There are a lot of kids in soccer and I don’t know everyone but there’s a lot. The games are at Total soccer in Royal oak, which is a place where we play soccer. Total soccer is like a big dome like shape. during practice we do dribbling, shooting in the net, and learning how to play. Paula and Deb started soccer because they wanted to have friends to play together and to have fun.

Message in a Bottle

By Ellison W.

Two teachers in Indian River, Florida were picking up trash and found a Pepsi bottle with a brown piece of paper in it. It was a week after Hurricane Nicole. The teachers almost threw it away, until they met Katie Carmax. Katie brought the Pepsi bottle home and her kids got really excited about it. She attempted to pull the paper out with tweezers, but it kept ripping the paper, so she broke the bottle open. She realized that it had a phone number and an address. She tried contacting the person. She tried calling over and over again, but it didn’t work, so she sent a picture of the paper to the phone number and then tried calling them, but it didn’t work. And then about an hour later, the same phone number called her! And he said “I wrote the paper.” His name was Heller.