NASA: Helping save the Elephants, Jaguars, and Tigers

By Isa

NASA is sending satellites into space to look at the earth and see stuff that helps these animals; for example, they are helping the tigers by seeing the places the tigers are not in yet that would be good for them to live in. They are also seeing the places to protect for the jaguars that would be good habitats for them. They are finding two places that elephants live in and creating protected pathways between the two so they can have more space altogether.

Climate Change

By Nico DH

Every day the climate changes because CO2 gets trapped on earth, heating the planet. As you probably know, climate change has gotten worse and worse. There are many reasons why climate change has gotten worse and many animals are getting affected, including our Arctic friends. But some animals adapted to the change. Animals including us are getting affected because of climate change–don’t you think we should learn as much as possible?

Climate change has gotten worse because of deforestation and burning fossil fuels. Deforestation prevents our trees being able to photosynthesize, making CO2 into O2. Burning fossil fuels releases CO2 to the atmosphere. Examples of fossil fuels are coal, natural gas, heavy oils, and petroleum.

All kinds of animals are getting affected by climate change, such as corals, polar bears, green sea turtles, penguins, and even the chinook salmon. Coral reefs have started to die or and some have already died. When a reef has died, all that is left from these animals are skeletons that these creatures made. This loss does not only affect the reef, it threatens the whole ecosystem. When these animals die, many plants and animals die with it. Reefs are very sensitive to temperature changes. When the temperature warms, the coral removes the algae living with them. The algae gives the coral a kind of food source. When the algae gets removed, the coral looks bleached and is more vulnerable. Polar bears are also getting affected by climate change because the seals that they catch and feast on are harder to catch in time for spring and summer. Because of climate change there are shorter sea ice seasons so the big animals can not catch as many seals.

Though many animals get affected by climate change some are evolving to their new environment. Now that you know how climate change affects animals and us, go and find ways to help. For instance, get coral-safe sunscreen to not damage more of our corals. Even if you don’t go near the ocean, sunscreen can often get to the ocean after a bath because water systems flow into each other. Some ways to reduce deforestation are to not eat meat because farmers make room for their cattle and for growing crops to feed livestock by cutting down trees. You can also use less paper! Try to use less fossil fuels by using an electric car if you can!


Do you want to be greener, but don’t know where to start? than this is the article for you. Gardening is one of the first things you should do if you want to be more eco-friendly. When wanting to start a garden the first thing you want to do is think about what you want to plant. there are three main types of plants, perennials, annuals, and biennials. so, what’s the differentness between them? well, perennials are plants that live for more than two years, so they will come back after winter. Perennials also tined to grow more slowly than other plants and are usually more expensive too, as well as being a long-term investment. Annuals on the other hand, live for less than one year, so you have to replant them the next spring. Annuals also grow quickly. Biennials are basically just short living perennials.

Planting a garden is really good for pollinators like butterflies, hummingbirds, bats, some birds, wasps, beetles, and most importantly, bees.

You should plant native plants, becaues if you plant plants from other places, they might become invasive and take over the native plants and nothing will be there to stop them because they don’t have natural predators. They also need less watering and fertilizer because they’re adapted to the climate.

Here are some plants that are good to plant in Michigan in the categories perennials, annuals, and biennials:

annuals perennials biennials

lettuce kale




green beans razzberries

radishes blueberries




eggplants Michigan lily

wild bergamot or bee balm

black-eyed susan

bottle gentian

butterfly weed

common evening primrose

dwarf lake iris

eastern red columbine

false sunflower

Earth Day

By, Ellison

Earth Day is a holiday to celebrate earth. Earth Day was founded in 1970 by Senator Gaylord Nelson, to learn about Earth and to celebrate Earth. Sometimes it is turned into earth week to be aware of the Earth. Some kids have birthdays on Earth Day and is kind of a common birthday including Addison, Matthew, Jemma, Zidaan, and Milo. In the early 1960’s Americans were learning the effects of pollution on the planet.


Belle Isle beach clean up

by Mel

On Saturday April 27 there Is going to be a beach clean up, on an island called Belle Isle. its going to be at 9:30am – 12:30, rain or shine. When you get there you are going to park next to the Bell Isle aquarium. When you get there you will get provided gloves and trash bags (made out of recycled ocean plastic) cleaning up Belle Isle is a big help to the animals in the Atlantic ocean. The Detroit river is connected to Lake Michigan and that leads to the Atlantic ocean. If you want to hang out with other Roeper folks please contact Carmen. Oliver in stage three is organizing a group as part of his effort to help ocean animals like whales, because the Detroit River water eventually connects to the Atlantic Ocean.

16 year old man cut down a 300 year old tree

By Calvin K.

The 16-year-old man just cut down a 300 year old tree and he bail out of court and now a 60 year old man is in question for doing it. The 16-year-old boy was arrested on Thursday on suspicion of criminal damage after the tree was destroyed overnight. This was one of Britain’s biggest landmarks. The tree, which was cut down near the base of its trunk, could grow again, experts said, though they cautioned that it would never be the same. People were married and funerals happened under this tree, this tree was near Hadrian’s wall this tree was so famous because its on the border of Ancient Rome.

Electric Car

By: Richard Q

President Joe Biden proposed two plans designed to make sure two-thirds of the new cars and a quarter of new trucks sold in America are all electric by 2032 due to the nation’s weather changes. Earlier this year, Biden invested 7.5 billion in electric vehicles charging, 10 billion in clean transportation, and over 7 billion electric cars battery components, critical minerals, and materials. Biden said gas cars contribute to the air pollution, so he decided let the companies make more electric cars.

The good things about gas cars are that fueling only takes couple of minutes. The bad thing about gas cars are they burn things that makes air pollution. The good things about electric cars are electricity comes from solar panels, so they don’t make air pollution as much. The bad thing about electric cars are they take about a night to charge after at most 250 miles, and what if you are going on a road trip? There are some good and bad things about both type of cars, which one do you think is better?

Electric Cars vs Gas Cars: Price, Pros & Cons - YouTube

Earth Day Clean Up


The Roeper School is doing an Earth Day clean up on 4-17-23 through 4-21-23. The people that are hosting the Earth Day clean up are Jenn and Sosha. The whole school is giving Sosha trash to weigh with Stage III. Everyone in Stage III science made five seed bombs and they’re going to take the seed bombs to the homerooms to throw them in places where there isn’t anything growing and no one usually steps in that spot. There are a ton of seeds in it, so most seeds will grow (some will not).

Earth Day started on April 22nd, 1970. Before then a ton of people were littering and just throwing things everywhere. When the first Earth Day happened, a ton of people started cleaning up. There wasn’t a Clean Air Act or Endangered Species Act yet. And then things started changing after the first Earth Day.

Ozone Recovering

By Marcus P.

earths ozone layer is on track to heal, says the United Nations. it should be fully recovered by 2040 except for Antarctica. Antarctica will take until 2066. this is because of a global agreement from 1987 that bans C.F.C.’s, which are chemicals that damage the ozone layer. ozone is a gas made of O.3. The ozone layer blocks the Earth from solar damage.

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