The fall of the Speaker

By David

For the the first time ever in the 234 year history of the House of Represenitives the members voted the Speaker of the House to be fired. Not only is this the first time the Speaker was actually fired but also it happened mid-term. The name of the (former) Speaker is Kevin McCarthy. McCarthy, being a Republican, angered his party by working with Democrats to pass a bill that opens the government into next month.


The government could shutdown on November 17

By Cam

Congress is trying to agree on how to spend its money. The government tried to have enough money to have everything, but they only had enough money to do certain things, so they can’t do as many things as they were trying to do. The Senate passed a House bill to delay a government shut down until November 17. The measure keeps the government funded until November 17 at 2023 levels. If an agreement is not reached, most of the government jobs will shut down and not get paid if we have a shut down, because they need to agree about how to spend the government’s money. The government is thinking about spending a lot of money on helping Ukraine. Not everyone agrees they should do that. Most people do not want the government shutdown to happen.


By Chase W.

Breaking news! The first black women will be on the Supreme Court! The Senate voted 53-47. Kamala Harris presided over the vote. Ketanji Brown Jackson will be on the Supreme Court in the summer after Justice Stephen Breyer retires. Ketanji Brown Jackson will replace him.

File:Ketanji Brown Jackson (robe photo).jpg
Official portrait of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson