Be kind

By Charlotte

I know it’s the beginning of the school year, but I just want everyone to know that we should be kind to everyone. For an example, what if you and your friend are in a fight and your friend started it yet your other friend blames you for it and is mean to you. Even if you don’t understand what is going on between friends. Be kind, how would you feel if someone was mean to you when you were not responsible for something! We should all be kind to each other, and ourselves. Just because we don’t understand something doesn’t mean we should assume the worst. And, if you can help solve a problem, for example, say you and your 2 best friends are fighting because one of them thinks they are being mean to you, and you already solved your issue with that friend, tell them to stop fighting with them! We should be kind to everybody! And if the person who is being mean doesn’t stop, or it gets worse, tell someone! Also, cyber bullying is wrong, cyberbullying is when someone sends you something that is mean or hurtful like, I don’t want to be your friend or, do not email me again. That is mean and wrong, if someone you know, or you are being cyberbullied, tell someone! I hope this was relevant to you, bye.