How multiple states in the US tried getting Donald Trump off their ballots

by Nikhil

Thirty states of the United States have tried removing Trump from their primary ballots. Only Colorado, Illinois, and Maine got him off the ballot–that’s only 3 out of 50 states in America! The reason he was taken off the ballot was because he was involved in the riot in the nation’s capital on January 6th, 2021. The Colorado Supreme Court is the one who used section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Section 3, of the 14 amendment disqualifies certain people to try  insurrection from holding office.

The federal Supreme Court denied this on March 4th, 2024. No states are allowed to take him off the ballots anymore, because the states cannot just pluck him off the ballots; only the Supreme Court can do that.

Voting starts on November 5th, 2024, but you have to be at least 18 to vote. Donald Trump is a republican. President Joe Biden is the democratic president.

The fall of the Speaker

By David

For the the first time ever in the 234 year history of the House of Represenitives the members voted the Speaker of the House to be fired. Not only is this the first time the Speaker was actually fired but also it happened mid-term. The name of the (former) Speaker is Kevin McCarthy. McCarthy, being a Republican, angered his party by working with Democrats to pass a bill that opens the government into next month.


Breaking News! North Korea teams up with Russia to create spy satellite and fight Ukraine and South Korea

by David

On September 13th Kim Jong Un a.k.a. dictator of North Korea rode to Russia in his armored train to have a meeting with Vladimir Putin of Russia. During the meeting Putin brought up the topic of launching a rocket which led to the discussion of sending a spy satellite into space. Now, if you didn’t know North Korea has failed many attempts to launch spy satellites on South Korea. Government authorities have agreed that Putin had planned this step-by-step. The two dictators agreed to fight both enemies and Kim Jong Un pledged to fully support and endorse Russia in the war. The meeting ended with dinner and a toast.×2963/1600×900/2023/09/05/1693880510402.jpg?w=1600

BREAKING NEWS!: Putin’s Threats

Russia Still Threatens NATO Despite Military Failings

By David G.

Roeper Report

Published Tuesday Jan 17

Washington says: We belive that Congress can push the U.S. to help Ukraine by giving them money and weapons.

Ukraine and Russia have been at war for nearly a year now and the U.S. is trying to help Ukraine.

Russia has invaded and captured Crimea. Putin now not only has threatened Ukraine but also Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. These countries are our brothers, our allies, part of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). We cannot let ourselves ignore this!

To help Ukraine, you can write to your congresspeople to urge them to support Ukraine. You can also donate to organizations such as Help Ukraine Center, International Rescue Committee, and the UN Refugee Agency.

Student Restraint

by Zoe M.

Every year more than 2000 students are secluded or restrained in Michigan public schools as a form of punishment. 4 out 5 of these students have disabilities. Of 1.4 million students in Michigan schools, 194,514 have disabilities and are at risk of being harmed with these procedures which are adults forcing young kids into small, padded rooms and leaving them inside by themselves for a minute or even two hours! I bet after this happened to kids, they felt scared to go to school. If the students are getting angry and you put them in seclusion, then they’ll just get angrier afterwards. Experts say these practices cause mental harm.

People were trying to pass a law in 2016 to ban doing this, and then there was a law but there is no punishment for not following the law. So people can still do it.

Thank goodness this isn’t happening at Roeper, but we should try to help the other kids that are being harmed by this procedure. Contact the House of Representatives and Senate and tell them you want to pass a stronger law to change this.