By Jack D.

the Rainbow Alliance is a school club that talks about Pride (LGBTQ+ stuff) in the school library. Carmen, Paula, and Jenn are the teachers who manage the club sometimes we read Pride books, and sometimes we just hang out. we also do activities and learn. and at the end of the meetings, we put little pieces of paper with questions on them into a box. it’s a really fun club, I really recommend it for stg. IVers. it happens on B days during lunch. Rainbow Alliance is for members of the LGBTQ+ community or people who just want to learn about pride. The first meeting will be Thursday Oct. 12.


By jack durst

These are books that people have tried to ban in libraries for years. Don’t be afraid to read these!

  1. Captain underpants – dav pilkey
  2. Drama – Raina Telgemeier
  3. Hunger Games – Sussanne Collins
  4. Bone – Jeff Smith
  5. Bad Kitty – Nick Bruel
  6. RICK – Alex Gino
  7. Goosebumps – R.L. Stine
  8. The Holy Bible
  9. Anne Frank: the diary of a young girl – Anne Frank
  10. Jacobs New Dress – Sarah and Ian Hoffman

LGBTQIAP+ Awareness

By Analiese J. & Riley C.

Have you ever heard of pride, LGBTQIAP+, or even QUILTBAG+? If you haven’t, Pride is something that sums up celebrating your gender and who you are attracted to. LBGTQIAP+ and QUILTBAG+ are short for lesbian, gay, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, pansexual, bisexual, and the + is for all the other identifications people use. Different people use different flags to celebrate their identities. October is LGBTQIAP+ History Month. Here are some books you can read to learn more!

Pride: the Story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag, by Rob Sanders

Lesbian & Gay History for Kids, by Jerome Pohlen

ABC: A Family Alphabet by Bobbie Combs

Alice Austen Lived Here by Alex Gino

SAGE, an LGBTQ+ group in the Upper School

By: Seraphina R.

“SAGE” (Sexuality and Gender Equality) is making a safe space for LGBTQ+ student to go and express themselves. SAGE organizes and plans events to bring awareness to the LGBTQ+ community. You join SAGE by just showing up. Anyone is welcome in the SAGE club. SAGE was started by Bex Conway, a 9th grader, and Mia Kysia, also 11th grader. They decided to start this club, because when they asked what kind of LGBTQ+ clubs there were, there were none. Unfortunately, there are not any events planned for this June, which is pride month. On May 16th, there was a walkout at Roeper, to protest the “Don’t Say Gay” Florida law, which prevents teachers from teaching students anything about the LGBTQ+ community. There have been other clubs supporting the LGBTQ+ community, but they did not run in 2022, but sage is expected to run in 2023!

Rainbow Flag Pride - Free image on Pixabay

Pride books to read this summer

PICTURE BOOKS: For stage 1, great book for the little ones is Rainbow, first book about Pride this teaches the colors to the kids and ties it all together about these are colors of Pride! Stage 2 this book Jacobs school play teaching kids in a fun way about Pronouns. (Pronouns are way we describe the way we talk about each other, for example SHE was kicking the ball super well today.) This book can teach kids to understand the Gender side of LGBTQIA+(Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Intersex and Asexual but the list goes on!) Stage 3 This Day In June is a great book its like a rhyme each and every page. This book is a fun and cool way to teach our stage 3 squad to be themselves and learn something new about Pride. Stage 4, Transphobia deal with it and be a gender Transcender is a Beautiful book to teach people about the the struggle of being transgender. It sure is a hard life! This book will teach you about this topic which unfortunately is not brought up as much as you think.

CHAPTER BOOKS: Growing up trans is a great book to really get a taste of what its really like to be trans

Gracefully Grayson: Grayson a 12 yr old boy who thinks he is trapped in the wrong body he was meant to be a girl

Melissa (formerly titled George): This book helps kids coming out to there parents about there feelings, this book could give them some hope

Lily & Dunkin: This book is about a friendship in the eighth grade that’s off and on and one of them is transgender also struggling with mental sickness.

by: Annalise W


By Sunny S.

Pride parades, speeches, and everything from dog clothing to bumper stickers covered in rainbows. During June, it’s pride month! Pride month is a month-long celebration to celebrate those who identify in the LGBTQ+ community. (Lesbian: a girl who likes girls, gay: a boy who likes boys, but lesbians are sometimes referred to as gay, bisexual: someone who is attracted to more than one gender, Transgender: someone who does not identify with the gender that they were assigned at birth, Queer or questioning: queer is another way to say LGBTQ+ and questioning means you still are questioning your identity.) But what if you are straight or cisgender and want to celebrate pride month? Well, if you are accepting of the LGBTQ+ community, you are an ally! You can celebrate too! But how do you celebrate? Other than going to pride parades and giving your queer friends gifts, there are many ways to do your part. First off, ask people what pronouns they use, as well as their name (Unless they do not want to share their pronouns, never push it.) Try not to make assumptions about people. Accept people for who they are. Believe me, it is the best feeling ever. Stand up for people when you can. And you do not have to do this on pride month, kindness can be year-round. What is happening at Roeper for pride month? There has been a pride parade at Roeper, with students marching and saying things like “trans rights are human rights” and “we say gay,” due to the ‘don’t say gay’ legislation.  

Anti-LGBTQ legislation across U.S. prompts Birmingham student protest
Roeper student James Steinhobl protests with classmates