Pride Paks Inc.™!

By: Ellis P.

Pride Paks Inc.™ is a non-profit fundraiser that donates to the Ruth Ellis Center. The Ruth Ellis Center provides home, clothes, food, medicine and more to people who are kicked out of their homes just because they’re being LGBTQIAAP+ and their parents are not okay with it. (Yes, this actually happens!)

If you want to donate to Pride Paks Inc.™ bring some money (your desired amount of money) to Carmen at the Roeper Children’s Library, tell her it’s for Pride Paks Inc.™, and she will take it and direct you to me. When you come to me, (Stage IV Ellis) I will make you a Pride Pak. The Pride Paks include pencils and pins. It’s a flag (Pride or world flag) on a pin or a rainbow pencil.