Hey Roeper Community members! This report is about some employees that work very hard for our school. Hope you like it. Enjoy! 

Hey guys I am here on a zoom call with a woman named Juliete. She tries to keep alumni in the community as they spread throughout the globe. She has been generous enough to let me do an interview with her. 

She wishes she had the chance to try to bring back more alumni to connect with us more. She wishes they had more of an opportunity to connect with our school. She did not go to Roeper as a kid and nowadays she moves around a lot. A challenge for her at Roeper was getting to know so many alumni here at our amazing school. She needed to know over 2,000 alumni and it took a very long time to get deep into knowing their personality. She had an alumni reunion for people who haven’t been at the school for 50 years or over. It happened two weeks was lots of fun. There was an incident last spring about racism and the school used it as a test to see how well our commitment to a kind environment to our community was and Julliette was very happy watching the kids resolve their problems in a kind manner. She was convinced to work here because she saw a difference in Roeper than other schools. She saw very bright students and that they were all very kind and so she wanted to be a part of making more students that make a difference in the world and in the community. She has an alumni leadership council with ten people inside and she is very close with everyone in the council. Juliete has talked to a woman that is now an immigration lawyer in the border of Mexico. She has also talked to a very thoughtful man. After the man graduated from Roeper he became a movie director who makes stories about people who are suffering in a war zone in Sudan. She hopes that no matter what alumni can still be a part of our community. She strives to make everyone feel welcome, important and included and she would also like to be the kind of person that makes the world a better place through interactions and how she treats people.  

I have just sat down for an interview next to our very own director, Megan Stott! Here is what she said. 

She has two daughters that attend Roeper. She is caring and enjoys understanding and learning about others and how they learn. She will continue to help Roeper students find their passion and succeed as a great asset to our community. She was interested in marine biology, archeology and geology. Megan said that she wants us to keep treating each other with kindness and love and begin to try to understand and accept each other and bond as a community and family. She has supported building a good community, Schedule and curriculum for students that think in a different way. She got hired here in the spring of 2021. She went through a long interview process to get hired at our school. She is very grateful to be here and will continue trying her hardest for a school that is kind, loving, and caring. She is an amazing director, and she makes us all feel very happy here as a society and family. 

There were a couple of people that we could not message or could not make it. I wish you were there Christopher and Colleen and Deb. Thank you for working your hardest to create a great society for our whole Roeper family. That concludes my report on “PASSIONATE DEDICATED ROEPER EMPLOYEES.” Hope you enjoyed understanding some of our very hard-working employees here at our lovely school. 

The endangered 5:

By Riley G. & Sofie P.

Red pandas 

Red pandas are very cute and lovable. So many of us love them but sadly there are only 10,000 left in the wild. They have a lifespan of 14 years and in about a few decades they will go extinct. They love to play, and parents love to play and cuddle with their babies. They eat bamboo. A big reason they are endangered is because their habitat is very rare. They live in the eastern Himalayas, and we need to somehow provide them with their needed habitat. We are interviewing Brooklyn brown whose grandpa takes care of the red pandas at the zoo and here is what she has told us. Grandma is always hiding in front at the very top of the tree. Usually, the young play around together. Usually, two of the babies like sleeping in the same tree. Most of the time they are twins. Usually if the babies are very young parents are near them most of the time. If there are only young babies and adults during the day, they are together a lot to protect the young ones. Please help these animals find a good habitat! 

This picture shows the red pandas habitat known as the eastern Himalayas. There are lots of trees here and trees are like houses to red pandas, so this is a great and unique habitat. 


Koalas are endangered marsupials which means that they have a pouch. Other members of the marsupial family are kangaroos, wallabies, possums, and Tasmanian devils. Koalas eat leaves of the gum tree also known as the eucalyptus tree.  

This map shows where koalas live. As you can see, koalas only live in eastern Australia. Unfortunately, wildfires cause many koalas to die. So, koalas may be extinct very soon. 

Giant pandas 

Giant pandas live in eastern China. As you can see on the map the green shows where giant pandas used to live, and the red is where they now live. Giant pandas live to be 20 years old, and their main diet is bamboo. Giant pandas are in the Ursidae family also known as the bear family. But pandas have different traits than bears. First, don’t hibernate that means that bears sleep in winter and don’t wake up until spring. Second, pandas have an opposable thumb. Third, pandas only eat bamboo while bears eat berries, fish etc while pandas eat bamboo and rodents. 


Saolas are incredibly cute. (Especially babies) We love these litter creatures. Sadly, there are only 250 Saloas left in the whole world. Saloas like to eat plants like leaves, seeds, fruit, berries, etc. One reason is because big animals like tiger’s hunt Saolas and eat them. Humans also hunt Saolas to protect their crops. Another reason our adorable saolas are endangered is because of loss of habitat. People have been using their habitat for agriculture. Now most of the places Saolas used to live in have been taken away from them and these lonely animals can’t survive. To help the remaining Saolas not die, have babies and be saved from being endangered, we need to find a way to not take away their habitat for our own reasons. They are just trying to survive just like humans so instead of endangering them we should help these lonely creatures. They live in the Annamite Mountains. Their life span is 8-11 years of living. We should also try to protect these poor animals from being hunted down by predators and instead of hurting them we should help them and maybe if we protect them from predators, they can be more convinced to give us land for farming. 

This is where our dear Saolas live. We hope we can protect them from predators and strive to keep these cute creatures from not getting hurt.


Vaquitas live in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico. They eat fish, prawns, and crabs. They have a lifespan of 21 years. They are very cute. Unfortunately, there are only TEN LEFT IN THE WILD! They are the most endangered sea mammals on Earth! Sadly, they will soon be extinct. These animals are very shy and fear being near anyone new, especially humans, so they are very hard to capture. The vaquita is the smallest cetacean in the world, but is the cousin of the biggest, the blue whale. The reason that vaquitas are endangered is because people are illegally fishing for them and taking them away from the sea. We can help by no longer fishing for big animals in the sea. If you do catch them, put them back in so they can still live. If you see anyone hurting any kind of animal, make sure to report them immediately.

This is where the last vaquitas live, in the Gulf of Mexico. It’s a great place for our adorable friends. They have lots of space to swim. Hope they are happy together in their nice, cozy home.


Axlotls eat earthworms and bloodworms. They live to be about 10-15 years old and live in Xochimilco in Mexico. Unfortunately, therea re only 50-1000 wild axlotls left. They are very nice friends. They have a very nice home and are usually in underwater caves. Axlotls are very cute and can be pets for some people. They are carnivores. They are bold, but not very social. They could have some friends, but don’t really need any. Some will go up to you when they see you watching them. A big reason they are endangered is because of droughts. When the lands are dry, there is hardly any water in caves for our adorable friends to swim around in. A way to help these creatures, if you ever see one, is to make sure it has a good place to call home and be safe. If you ever get a pet axlotl, make sure you take very good care of it so it can live a happy life. This is Lake Xochimilco, where axlotls usually are living in underwater caves beneath the lake.


By Riley G. and Zoe M. 


Although it may be fun to do things on devices such as playing fun games and watching things, we still need to be careful because there are many dangers and tricks on the internet. There are many fake advertisements on the internet set up by hackers, scammers and people who just want to take things from others and the best way to steal things like money from people is swindling others on technology. One of the Roeper teachers saw this advertisement to fix her security on her account and it asked for her PayPal password, and she gave it to them and the next day she found out someone else went into her PayPal account and tried to buy something with her money. A kid from this school went on a game with real life people and someone hacked into her info and figured out who she was in real life. Even though it might seem tempting to play games or post things on social media you can never be sure that someone will not find your data and use it to put you in danger. Hackers can use any part of your profile to figure out who or where you are. You need to set boundaries before you start scrolling around on the internet. 


But even though there are dangers on the internet we should also focus on the good parts about the internet. It opens us up to new things and can help children in education. Technology has helped us travel around the world virtually and experience new cultures. We can learn anything we want to learn on the internet. Imagine a world without any technology. How would your car run the way it does? How would you talk to people on the other side of the earth? Even though technology is expensive you can start a world-famous business from it and make more money per month than you spent on the device in one day. It helps with things like getting dinner, groceries or booking a vacation with your family and friends. Anything you can go out to do you can also do on the internet. It is a fantastic way to inform others about things like pollution and persuade them to help the world, so it is a terrific way to spread the word. This concludes our report on “THE PROS AND CONS OF TECHNOLOGY!” 

12 Pros and Cons of Technology –