By Evan R.
Slek’n’g needs a Manager you have to be a stage IV first year or above.

We really need a manager. The duty’s are : Being the technician working with the props and making sure the show runs smoothly. So if your interested please contact Evan R. Stage III

Rachel & Graces class

Xpress Yourself!

By: Ellis P.

There is a new Stage IV business that I am opening that is called Xpress Yourself! So far there are 2 members: Ellis (me) and Brooklyn. Help is appreciated if you would like to join! Xpress Yourself is a store that sells beaded pens and paint-pen painted 3D prints. The 3D prints can be anything from turtles with roses for shells to green and gold forest dragons. We are hoping to first kick off the business with 100 3D prints and 100 beaded pens and see how they sell. We are hoping to sell our products at local craft fairs. If you want to join talk to me so I can find a position for you! I based it off a business just like Xpress Yourself at my local carnival (Berkley Days). They sold the same things and I am basing my prices off theirs. Again, if you want to join the Xpress Yourself committee than please see Ellis, They/Them, Stage IV second year. Here’s the logo:

Here’s some of the 3D prints:

Here’s some of the pens:

So yeah! There’s some of the stuff! If you want to join this beginning business then see me!

the strongest card tower ever

By Nico DH

Seven, SJ, Jan, Krishna, and Liam in Cynthia’s and Danielle class built a strong card base that sustained a hole table and six chairs on May 10th in thirty minutes! Seven started building the tower because he got inspired by Sosha’s video about how to build a card tower. After seven started building, other kids joined and created a table sized base layer to fit a table and 6 chairs!

NASA: Helping save the Elephants, Jaguars, and Tigers

By Isa

NASA is sending satellites into space to look at the earth and see stuff that helps these animals; for example, they are helping the tigers by seeing the places the tigers are not in yet that would be good for them to live in. They are also seeing the places to protect for the jaguars that would be good habitats for them. They are finding two places that elephants live in and creating protected pathways between the two so they can have more space altogether.

Roeper Wins the Baseball Game!!!

By: Lincoln

The Roeper high school baseball team had a game on May 6th. They played at the minor league field the Jimmy Johns Stadium against Lutheran Westland. Their coach Todd has a connection with the Jimmy Johns’ field, so he gets the team a game there every year. There was a bus ride to the game for stage IV kids who signed up to go. Here are the Players, Griffin, Conor, Alexi, Oscar, Lennon, James, Hollis, Lucas, Trevor, and Daniel also their coaches Todd and Brian. The Roeper Roughriders won the game as you know, the score was 6-2.

Teddy Bear Picnic for Stage 1 and 2

by Brody and Isa

The teddy bear picnic is about having fun, it was hosted on the bumpy hills at 10 am may first. The teddy bear picnic is for the Stage 1ers to meet the Stage 2ers, who will be their classmates next year. Stage 2 made cards for the Stage 1ers to invite them to the event. to prepare for the teddy bear picnic all the Stage 2 classes prepared a snack, Sarah and Jesie’s class prepared fruit, Sarah and Elisabeth’s class prepared teddy grams and gummy bears, and Andy and Angala’s class prepared muffins. this was the second time the teddy bear picnic that has happened in the time span of two years.

Roeper Jump Rope Team

By: Lincoln Webb.

The Roeper jump rope team is a school elective where you are creating a jump rope routine. The jump rope performance is on May 17th at 8:30 in the morning. Deb the PE teacher is running this class. There will be a whole class routine, individual group routines, and more. Anyone can attend to this show including, parents, younger siblings , grandparents, and anyone you know that wants to come. This class has stage 3 and 4 students. The performance is clearly in the gym. The amount of students is thirty-seven seven in the morning class thirty in the afternoon class.

new board parent.

By Parker Webster

Breaking news. Federal defender Natasha Webster is the new board parent at the Roeper School. She said she wanted to make the Roeper school a better place so she ran for board parent. Let’s get to know her a little bit better. Natasha Webster is a lawyer in Detroit. She has 3 amazing girls Parker, Addison, and Gabriella. She is married to Michael Webster and lives in west Bloomfield. She went to law school and now keeps people out of jail. Her pronouns are she/her and she loves the Roeper School. She will now be the board parent and she will keep our environment safe, happy, and calm. Natasha Webster once said keeping people out of jail will keep people out of sadness. Well that’s the news for today and if you see Natasha say thank you for being a good person and congratulations!


By Parker W.

recently stage 2 through 4 has found ways to solve reassess conflicted. over the past few weeks stage four had a meeting about reasce conflict. they told stage four to do peace. peace stands four play fair, each player is responsible for their own actions, assume good intent, conduct with good sportsmanship, eschute throwing your body around, and that stayed intact for a while. that was stage four, but now moving on to stage 3. stage 3 teacher grace said that when there an issue all the kids come together, and the teacher will ask each kid to say what happened and the Gilluly one had to say sorry. Now moving on to stage 2. There were a lot of issues when it came to American football at recases. kids thought it was the NFL. and started tackling and pushing, causing stage 2 to get hurt. so, stage 2 teacher Andy said that they had to make agreements and no tackling so kids could play safely they are only kindergarteners. so, brain damage for 5-year-olds would be bad. now stage 2 to 4 can play gaga, soccer and basketball safely and have fun. shout out to Elice Lind. and Blake pynnonen. four creating peace. and Andy and grace four the stage towers and 3ers.