NASA: Helping save the Elephants, Jaguars, and Tigers

By Isa

NASA is sending satellites into space to look at the earth and see stuff that helps these animals; for example, they are helping the tigers by seeing the places the tigers are not in yet that would be good for them to live in. They are also seeing the places to protect for the jaguars that would be good habitats for them. They are finding two places that elephants live in and creating protected pathways between the two so they can have more space altogether.

Black Holes Can Make Time Slower For You!

By: Calvin K

Have you ever felt like time is just flying by and you can’t stop it? Well, black holes can slow it down for you! While black holes are dangerous, they can slow time down dramatically. To get to them, you would have to drift off into space hoping you would find one. To even slow time down, you must go to the most dangerous part of the black hole. The Event Horizon – the strongest layer of gravity in the universe.  

When you’re inside the Event Horizon you would start to experience Tidal Forces. For example,like experiencing a hurricane, forces you to experience that in a black hole. The Event Horizon bends the 4 layers of space. Black holes affect time. But only some of the black holes in the universe have something called the accretion disk. The disk is made up of hot matter and gas that surrounds the black hole.  

The layers of space can put you in multiple time zones for example the 1st one we are in right now but as you go through the layers you start to go back in time. To get into different layers you have to go into the singularity one of the parts of the Event Horizon. 

 Sense black holes have such a strong layer of gravity they become invisible.  

When inside the Event Horizon you would appear something like spaghetti. Spaghettification is an event when you are inside of a black hole, and you stretch out. Something else can still happen, but only with the biggest black holes. The supermassive black holes can make you flat like a pancake.  

Black holes collapse inwards rapidly on themselves to where the outer rings make matter for the black hole to sustain their size. To be able to find a black hole you need a signal, the matter in the accretion disk emits gamma rays that scientists on Earth can find. But there is one way that you can slow time down just a tiny bit. In airplanes we can experience around 1 to 10 seconds of time dilation depending on how long your flight is, but because we are getting a little bit closer to the black hole your altitude makes it matter. 

Feared Extinct Species Of Echidna Found

By Ava K.

The Sir David long nosed echidna was feared lost was found on Cyclops Mountain in Indonesia after more than sixty years. It is named after the British biologist Sir David Attenborough. It was captured on camera by Dr Kempton, a biologist from Oxford University. On a six week journey through the Cyclops Mountains, 7,087 miles above sea level, Dr Kempton and his team battled rough terrain, blood sucking leeches, venomous animals, and malaria. On their final day of the journey during which they climbed nearly 7 miles they captured the animal with their final memory card and Dr Kempton put over 80 camera traps!

The Sir David’s echidna is an egg laying mammal said to have the spine of a hedgehog, the snout of a anteater, and the feet of a mole. When it is threatened it rolls up into a ball resembling the behavior of a hedgehog. The Sir David echidna is not a very social animal. They only come together once a year in July. They weighs 11-22 Ib. The diet of Sir David’s long-beaked echidna consists of earthworms, termites, insect larvae, and ants.

Ring of Fire Eclipse

By Brody H.

The Ring of Fire Eclipse happened on October14th. It was visible in Oregon, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, and Texas. It can happen every 1 to 2 years and it’s pretty rare. Next year, it’s going to be visible in Texas, Ohio, Chicago, Indiana, Kansas, Arizona, and New York for maybe about 3 hours. PS, If your family lives in one of those cities, they might talk about it.

It will look like a full eclipse, but it will be a Ring of Fire Eclipse, which means we’ll see the glow of the sun coming in a ring shape from behind the moon.

2023 Annular Solar Eclipse & 2024 Total Solar Eclipse – Mile High Astronomy

Rare Octopus Found

By Nikhil

Researchers have found a rare Dumbo octopus spotted off Hawaiian Islands on a seamount. There are 17 species of Dumbo octopus they are from the umbrella octopus group. They are not endangered because they live so deep and are so rare. they eat snails and worm and other stuff that lives on the sea floor. They can live in depths of a 13,000 feet down. The reason this is so important is because we don’t know a lot about it.×1232/p0ggcfxs.jpg

How to make slime

By Seven

How to make fluffy slime. First get a bowl and get glue.

Add 2/3 c. glue to the bowl.

Add 1/4 c. water to 1/2 tsp. baking soda and mix together, then add to glue.

Add 2-3 c. shaving cream to bowl and mix well.

Add food coloring if you want.

Slowly add contact solution activator of 1 1/2 Tablespoons to your slime. (Contact solution should contain boric and and sodium borate)

Mix well.


The Deepest Fish Ever Caught!

By Samuel P.

In April, some people at the University Of Western Australia caught two Pseudoliparis Belyaevi (a type of snailfish) on a research expedition 26,319ft down the Japan trench. This was the first time this fish was ever caught! The fish is slimy, and looks like a flat oval with a tail.

Underwater photograph of several long-bodied fish

Galapagos Coral Reef

By Nico DH

In April, scientists discovered a coral reef and it was very healthy. It has not been damaged by humans. They found the coral reef exploring the ocean near the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador. The reason they were exploring the ocean there was that they have no studies in that place. It is 600 miles off coast of Ecuador. Coral reefs are massive structures made of limestone deposited by coral polyps. Polyps are little things in a coral you can see if you look at the picture below. Coral reefs are called rainforests of the sea. Coral reefs support about a quarter of all known marine species on food, safety, and hunting.


6 Reasons Coral Reefs Deserve Protection | The Pew Charitable Trusts


what is lightning?

By Gabe O.

Lightning is hotter than the surface of the sun. Lightning is when there is a big cloud and positive energy on the top, meets with negative energy on the bottom in the middle of the cloud. Tall objects, such as trees and skyscrapers are more likely to get struck than the ground. Lightning is a giant spark of electricity in the atmosphere. This energy causes the air to explode making what we call thunder. Never go in water, don’t go in open fields, and run to the nearest shelter when there is lightning.

Lightning Facts and Information