the strongest card tower ever

By Nico DH

Seven, SJ, Jan, Krishna, and Liam in Cynthia’s and Danielle class built a strong card base that sustained a hole table and six chairs on May 10th in thirty minutes! Seven started building the tower because he got inspired by Sosha’s video about how to build a card tower. After seven started building, other kids joined and created a table sized base layer to fit a table and 6 chairs!

Family night!

By Orrin L.

Family night is a night on April 25th where parents come to the steward building and look at what stage three’s big project is. What stage three’s project is, is mainly a big project that all of stage three use a topic based on their social studies class then they theme the hallway and every class. and every kid makes a little project that connects with the big project that everyone is working on. It all started in the 2000s when five stage three teachers teamed up to make a big project that can show all of the kid’s learning and bring families together to experience the theme of each different classroom. The whole stage has the same theme, but each classroom explores a different part of the time in history they are researching. Also, there is a different theme exploring a different part in history each year. After the kids finish their project after school from 6 Pm to 8 PM parents come, and kids can show off all of their hard work. Also, Carmen is helping with research, Amy is teaching a dance Sosha is doing fossils and Shoshana is helping with clay that they use for stage three’s big project. That is what family night is all about.


by Evan R. (guest journalist)

Evan R., SJ V., Liam C., and Krishna E. of Stage III and Grant S. in Stage II and Evan’s dad Kevin R. 49 years old have started a band called Slek’n’g (Sleck in gee). Evan is the drummer/singer. SJ is also a singer. Liam is the guitar player with Kevin. Krishna and Grant are on electric keyboard. Slek’n’g’s performed “Where It’s At” by Beck at the talent show at Roeper School in March.

The band likes to do practice at Kevin and Evan’s house because they have all the instruments that are needed and more.

The reason Slek’n’g started is because they love MUSIC. They believe that music has healing powers for the soul. Shoutout to Kevin for providing everything we could want and more! Slek’n’g is actually working on their first song “Burning Rain” right now.

Welcome to Roeper, Sarah!

By Posey Barry

Sarah is a teacher in Roeper in Stage III with Cynthia. She used to work as a sub teacher last year, but now she’s working here. Learn more about her from this interview:

Q: Do you have a favorite kid? A: No, they’re all my favorite 😀

Q: What’s the hardest part of being a teacher? A: Dividing attention equally 😛

Q: What are your hobbies? A: Running and baking.

Q: Can you tell me a joke? A: What’s my name? Sarah. What’s this? (points to nose) Nose. what am I holding? Nothing. Sarah knows nothing!

Q: Why did you choose Roeper? A: I like the philosophy.

Q: Do you like being a teacher? A: Yes!

Q: Do you have a pet? A: Yes, a dog.

Q: Is it easier to teach with having kids at home (and having experience from that)? A: Yes.

Magical Michelle and the Tale of Stage III

By Isabella B.

Michelle was inspired by the other teachers that worked at Roeper to become a teacher at Roeper. Her kids went to Roeper and she saw that teachers were kind to their students and were good to their students. Michelle’s jobs before Roeper were the owner of a children’s play space and she worked at restaurants and she worked at a law office. What she likes about teaching Stage III is kids’ passions and watching them grow. Michelle is excited about next year because we’re going to be able to have field trips! Michelle’s favorite things to do with her class is morning circle and to read books to them. Michelle is most proud of the Stage III store. Michelle wants Stage II kids who are moving up to Stage III to know that it is just as welcoming and caring as Stage II and encourages them to be more independent.

Michelle & Isabella