Facts about Ciaran

By Taylin N.

Ciaran is a stage three teacher. She has been teaching at Roeper for 3 years. She loves to be creative. She loves to cook and she likes to take walks. Her son is most important. His name is Eden and he is 1 1/2. he likes to go to the park, draw, dance ,and eat snacks. Carian says that being a mother is super fun. The thing that makes her happy is spending time with her family, and teaching. She always loves a good joke, and likes to play with her pet Lily her dog and Leo her cat.


Family Night

By Blyden W:). xavier helped me with the notes

Family Night was on Tuesday, April 11 in the CCB. Stage 3 did a presentation on the Industrial Revolution. There were kids dressed up in costumes. there were dance performances at 6:00 and art, living museum and snacks until 7:00. all stage three family’s and all stage two family’s were invited to the event. there we fake buttons on the floor when you tapped them the person would give you a speech on their character. you could find characters like inventers, newsies radium girls, mill workers, and coal miners. I think this is the end bye!!!!:)

Interview with Rachel

I asked Rachel, a stage 3 teacher, some questions.

I walked into Rachel’s classroom and asked her a few questions.

Q: “What’s your favorite food?”

A: “Pizza”

Q: “Why did you choose to go to Roeper?”
A: “Because of the creativity of the students and the freedom of choice.”

Q: “What are your favorite shows?”
A: “Amphibia, Dance moms, and Casey Undercover”

Q: “What tips do you have for kids here at Roeper?”
A: “Be yourself, and keep trying, even if you fail.”

Q: “Can you tell me a joke?”
A: “What kind of bow can never be tied? A rainbow”

Q: “Do you prefer cats, dogs, or worms?”

A: “Cats”

“I love Roeper” –Rachel

Article by Posey B

Meet Cat!

By Jonathan S.

Cat Galligan is a new teacher at Roeper. She teaches in Lori & Cat’s class in Stage III. She went to school for material engineering, which is deciding which material is the best for something. She worked in the Makerspace at the Baldwin Library in Birmingham. Cat went to Roeper when she was a kid. She wanted to work here because she liked going here.

In her free time she likes doing art and video games. She has a cat named Juno. Her favorite animal is a leopard. Her favorite color is black and her favorite food is mac and cheese.

Cat, photo by Jonathan.

Roeper Chess Team

By Ivan W.

On February 4, Richard, Gabriel O., Ethan, Nico DH, Sebastian L, Cameron, Max, Devan, Riley G., Evelyn, Markus, Ben, and Orrin with Coach Bryan and Blake went to the West Bloomfield Middle School for the Michigan Elementary Chess Team Championships. The K-3 red team (Richard, Gabriel, Nico, and Markus) won 2nd place! The black K-3 team (Ethan, Sebastian, Max, Cameron, Their trophy is in the CCB. When asked how the team gets better at chess, Richard says “Coach Bryan teaches some tactics and shows some puzzles for us to solve and then lets us play games to practice.”

Stage III Happenings

By: Seraphina R.

Have you ever wondered what’s happening in Stage III? Well, I’ll give you some info. Kids day is an event for the Stage Have you ever wondered what’s happening in Stage III? Well, I’ll give you some info. Kids’ Day is an event for the Stage II kids, and the Stage III kids are going to set up this carnival event all by themselves! It will be on June 2nd in the afternoon.  Passion Projects are when Stage III kids choose a project that they’re really passionate about, and they spend a lot of time on researching to learn more and share with their class. They’ll be presenting in the next 2 weeks. In music, Stage III just finished music games, singing, and note drawing. Hans, the music teacher, did a band instrument demonstration. Last days of school activities for Stage III are pool day on June 7th and they’re going to do a clap out for the Stage III second years on June 8th.



Stage II at the creek, in the space called Hindstrum
Elisabeth & Nicole’s Seesaw

Stage IV classes are working on Ologies, research projects with a poster, paper, and activity. Laura and Scott’s class is also working on women’s history projects.

Stage III has been voting for a charity to donate the money from the Stage III Store and are starting passion projects. They just had an all-stage meeting and are also learning about the branches of government.

Stage II is making a Woods Museum. Look for more info coming soon! Says student Rowan Pianko, it will be a photography exhibit featuring “pictures of little things we have placed in the woods.”

Stage I is learning about animals and architecture. They are spending lots of time outside exploring the woods and playgrounds, reading books, and singing together.