2 Stage Games in a row + Parent lunch participation + DSO.

By Orrin L.

Lately Roeper has been really active with surprises such as: The DSO + Parent Lunch Participation + 2 Stage Games in a row for stage 4! I personally think that the days that they let stage 4 go to the DSO and the days where parents came to lunch were one of my favorite days of the whole school year so far. They gave us a trip to an amazing place to hear amazing music which was the Detroit Orchestra where they played music based around planets such as: Jupiter, Mercury, Earth and Saturn. They also during core 3 and homeroom let us play Backboard Dodge and 4 corner Pin dodge in a row! Finally, during lunch and recess parents such as: Karen Ballentine, Stacy Frase, June Cohen, Marinelli Brown and Emily Wheeler.


By Sagan

If you are in Stages I, II, or III and you have an older sibling, you might heard stories about Camp tamarack, and if you have this report is for you.

Ok, so if you’re wondering, this is how the day visit started. Right in the morning the Stage went to the gym and waited for the bus to arrive; when we got in the bus it was about a 45 minute ride to Tamarack.

When we got to Camp Tamarack, we split up into groups and started doing activities. My group’s first activity was balancing a big board.

The next activity our group did was this monkey game where you had to swing on a rope to get to a plank and there were 13 of us and only 5 planks so…. (it was kinda hard).

The next activity our group did was running though a rope while a teacher and a camp staff swung it around. On my final attempt, I did a 360 over the net!

After that we ate lunch and then started walking to the next activity.

When we got there we played “instincts for survival,” so let me explain:

Instincts for survival is a game where you are either an herbivore, a carnivore, or an omnivore. I became an omnivore which meant I could eat herbivores, get eaten by carnivores, get killed by natural disasters, and collect food. I didn’t get eaten or killed, so I won!

After that we got in the bus went back to Roeper, had Outdoor Dismissal, and then went home.

Tiny Houses

By Samuel

On May 31, at 7:45 a.m., Stage IV will have a tiny house share out in the CCB. Parents will come to see the tiny house models with Stage 4ers behind them. Stage IVers will give an explanation and answer questions about the tiny houses. Stage IV has been working on this project since February. At the start they made their clients. Then they drew the draft of the blueprints. Then they made the final blueprints. Then they made the model of the house with foam core. If they were built in real life, they would be tiny houses for people who can’t afford a bigger house or just want to live in a smaller one. Stage IV learned math skills and about tiny houses from this project.

Sources: Scott Vartanian

Photo by Ellen

The Spring Dance Ensemble 

Last week on Tuesday and Wednesday, Amy’s Stage IV dancers had their annual Spring Dance Ensemble at the Middle and Upper School’s Acheson Theater. It took them six weeks to make and learn all the choreography! 

However, sadly, two dancers got sick and were not able to participate in the evening performance on Wednesday for people that aren’t students.

We hope you enjoyed the performance AND this article!

What Stage IV is doing

By Seven

In Stage IV they’re making tiny houses. The Stage IVers are making up a customer that needs a house and then the Stage IVers design and make a house for the customer. They make blueprints and then build it with Styrofoam. They are doing this with Ellen, Scott, and Paula.

Blake & Ellen’s class published a book of their students’ writing called “Anthology”. You can find it in the Roeper School Library. They’re also making their own board games.

These are the books that they are reading in their book clubs:

“When You Trap a Tiger” with Blake and Carmen, “Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus” with Elise, and “Fish in a Tree” with Laura.

Super Cool Science Gaming

By Jai J.

In Science Gaming, we play super cool board games like Wildcraft, Into the Forest, Onto the Desert, and Variance. The class is for Stage IV and they are science games. Maybe you should try it out! Jenn teaches the class and does a great job. Wildcraft is a plant card game in which you work together to get huckleberries to make grandma’s super good pie! Here’s one bonus fact about Wildcraft. In the game, you land on “trouble” spaces and draw a trouble card like “sprain ankle” or “headache.” You can heal them with plants!

Wildcraft Board Game for botanical fun! | Board games, Science and ...

Roeper Chess Team

By Ivan W.

On February 4, Richard, Gabriel O., Ethan, Nico DH, Sebastian L, Cameron, Max, Devan, Riley G., Evelyn, Markus, Ben, and Orrin with Coach Bryan and Blake went to the West Bloomfield Middle School for the Michigan Elementary Chess Team Championships. The K-3 red team (Richard, Gabriel, Nico, and Markus) won 2nd place! The black K-3 team (Ethan, Sebastian, Max, Cameron, Their trophy is in the CCB. When asked how the team gets better at chess, Richard says “Coach Bryan teaches some tactics and shows some puzzles for us to solve and then lets us play games to practice.”

Roeper Report

What is the Roeper Report elective? The Roeper Report elective is an elective were you will write about what is going around in the community and in the world. Be prepared do to a little bit of research and a lot of fun!You also may listen to music but only if you don’t abuse the power. I would definitely recommend ranking the Roeper Report elective high in the next sign up. Who is in this sign up Owen Evans, Samuel Powers, Isaac Giroux, Drexel Lanivich, Posey Barry, Timothy Hoover, and Carmen Flora! , and I. –Xavier Vazzano



Stage II at the creek, in the space called Hindstrum
Elisabeth & Nicole’s Seesaw

Stage IV classes are working on Ologies, research projects with a poster, paper, and activity. Laura and Scott’s class is also working on women’s history projects.

Stage III has been voting for a charity to donate the money from the Stage III Store and are starting passion projects. They just had an all-stage meeting and are also learning about the branches of government.

Stage II is making a Woods Museum. Look for more info coming soon! Says student Rowan Pianko, it will be a photography exhibit featuring “pictures of little things we have placed in the woods.”

Stage I is learning about animals and architecture. They are spending lots of time outside exploring the woods and playgrounds, reading books, and singing together.